We're In Another World?

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The four stared at me in disbelief.

Lotus: 'Not in our world?' Whatever do you mean?

Plush: I might be wrong, hold on I need to get something.

I quickly ran back into my room and partially closed the door. I put the 'sword' back where it was and picked up my phone from my bed. As soon as I turned on my phone, I went straight to Cookie Run Ovenbreak and found each of the dragons from the cookie menu. Then, I went back out to the living room.

Plush: Here, are these guys you? *holds up phone towards the others, showing them the pictures of the characters*

All four of them crowded around my phone, looking in curiosity at what was in my phone.

Lychee: Hey, that's me!

Pitaya: And there I am.

Ananas: Interesting, it seems all of us are there. Plus a few other. *looks straight at Plush* How did you get these, 'Shiro'?

Plush: *to herself* That's what I thought. *to the others* Well, this is gonna sound confusing but bare with me here. Your world is a video game in my world, and you guys are characters in said video game. I have no idea how you guys got here, but somehow you must've passed through planes of reality.

All four of them were looking at me now, and I braced myself for the inevitable questions I would have to answer.

Ananas: We're characters in a mere video game? How did we get here then?

Plush: If I knew I would try to explain, but I know about as much as you do. And no, I have no damn clue how to get you guys back to your own world so don't ask me about that either.

Lotus: Hmmm, well do you know anyone that could help Shiro?

Plush: Not really, the school I go to is more an arts school than anything. I have friends that can help us look for a solution if you want.

Pitaya: Hmph, we don't NEED any help from you or your friendsssssss.

Plush: ...And being completely honest we're probably the wrong people to ask for help with something like that.

Lychee: So then why-

Plush: Because if you guys were willing to accept help, getting it from 3 mentally unstable high schoolers that actually know their way around this world would be better than none at all. Anyways you guys are gonna need a place to stay, since you're already here I guess the where is decided. *starts muttering to herself* I could fix up the other bedroom real quick and pull out the couch. I'll have to start paying more attention to money as well to support all 5 of us. Once I turn 16 next year I should definitely get a job if you're still here-

Ananas: Stop right there, none of us ever said we were staying with you.

Plush: *looks up to Ananas* Well sorry but do you have a better plan? With no money you guys won't be able to get a room at a hotel and the next best option is to sleep on the streets. I'd say I'm your best bet.

The dragons all looked at me with pretty confused looks. Right, they all live on islands in their world and are practically worshipped there. They probably have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.

Plush: Here, I'll try to break it down for you. In this world, our economy is based heavily on how much money you own. No money means there's not a lot of things you could do out there. Being able to find a place to stay isn't easy, and houses are expensive. Asking someone for a place to stay won't work either, lots of people are wary of others because some of us decide to do horrible things and most people won't just let strangers into their house. Staying on the streets is also not a very good idea unless you're ok with getting judgmental looks from others and having the constant struggle of finding a place away from the rain. Oh and forget about hotels. Not only do you need money to stay at one, but the closest one is really far away if you're just walking. Currently, the best option is to stay with me. Don't worry, my parents are busy at work most of the time and I'll only tell the truth to people I trust 100%. No telling what would happen if people found out who you guys really are. Does that sound fair?

They all looked at me confused again, signaling to me that I spent way too much time rambling.

Lotus: Could you explain that, but a bit slower please?

Plush: Oh goddamnit-

If I met the Legendary Dragons (Cookie Run) Where stories live. Discover now