Settling In

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{Before anyone asks, yes Longan Dragon is gonna appear in this book now that they decided to fricken exist. Not gonna be until they actually show up in the story because I need to know their speech-pattern and personality before I go ahead and write them into the story. But I had an idea for their introduction so there's that. For now, enjoy this part!}


Lotus: So, she's still asleep?

Lychee: Looks that way. *pokes Plush's cheek* Hey Shiiiirooo, wake up! You said you were gonna help us finish getting settled in!

Plush: *groans* Please just 5 more minutes, I've been up since 6:00 and my stomach finally settled down. I just want to rest some more.

And I wanted that for a good reason. School finally finished up the day before, and throughout the last few days I was also trying to make a plan for how my new guests would be staying at my place until they found a way back.

So far, I've only gotten to sleeping arrangements (in which everyone would randomly draw to see which bed they would be sleeping in each night) and how I would get the money to support us all (I let my parents know of the situation and they agreed to keep the secret and to send us money to live off of).

The next part was the hard part, helping them all fit into this world. Just thinking about getting started made my brain hurt, and I spent a lot of time last night coming up with a game plan while my brain was at it's most active. I was tired of worrying about all of this. I just wanted to relax for a bit and give myself the break I needed.

Lotus: That early? You're lucky Pitaya is quite the heavy sleeper, else you would probably be crying like a child in pain.

Plush: Probably. Either way, 5 more minutes please. And is something burning or am I just trippin?

Lotus: Ah yes, the other thing we came for. In an attempt to use the 'toaster' you have in the kitchen, Pitaya ended up burning some bread.

Plush: Ok, so?

Lychee: The toaster was too hot to hold, so we tried to put ice on it. And it nearly started a fire.

Plush: Wait what?! *sits up* Is everything ok over there?

Lychee: If we're not counting the toaster, yes.

Plush: Hold up, I need to check the damage.

Without *much* hesitation, I got up and quickly headed towards the kitchen. There I could see a bit of smoke coming from a very broken down toaster, and Pitaya and Ananas arguing.

Pitaya: How wasssssss I supposed to know putting ice on the damn thing would make it explode?

Ananas: Maybe if you would actually pay attention to others for once this never would've happened! Of course you were always too reckless for your own good.

Pitaya: Excussssssse me? I wasssssssn't the genius who decided to put the bread in 5 timesssssss!

Plush: Doesn't matter who tf started it we need to open up the window and vents before the fire alarm goes off!

As quick as I could, I maneuvered my way around Pitaya and Ananas, opening the vent by the oven and opening the window to let all the smoke out. Luckily, it wasn't enough to set off the fire alarm, but I wasn't gonna take any chances.

Plush: Ok! Ok, ok. Disaster adverted, only loss is the toaster. That's fine. Not the end of the world. Just need to invest in a new one.

Ananas: You seem to be stressing a lot over a small contraption.

Plush: That's because I like having toast and butter for breakfast and toasters ain't that cheap. Still got the placa tho. Here I'll make some toast for breakfast, yall lost your kitchen privileges.

Pitaya: WHAT?!?!

Ananas: Excuse me?! How dare you kick us out?

Plush: My house my rules. Also I have the crackhead determination of a honey badger and the audacity to match. Out.

Knowing I most definitely wasn't gonna give up, Pitaya and Ananas begrudgingly left the kitchen, leaving me to make toast without almost burning down the entire apartment complex.

[Once I finish making the toast]

Plush: Alright, now that you're all here I think it's time for me talk about the next step in helping you guys settle in.

The dragons all looked at me with curiosity, silently eating the toast.

Plush: Imma just put this straight, yall don't look like you belong here. Sure you've all been turned into humans, but you still stick out like a sore thumb. So we'll just take turns ordering clothes online. I'll have to take your measurements beforehand but it shouldn't take too long.

Lychee: What's wrong with the clothes we have on now? Can't we just get clothes in person?

Plush: We could. If there was a convention going on. But since there's not, we'll just stick to online shopping so we don't get mistaken for vloggers doing a cosplay outing. I honestly don't have the energy for that. Anyways imma just set everything up and then we can get started Imma call you guys one by one.

Grabbing the last slice of toast, I headed back into my room to pull up Amazon on my laptop. Once I did, I immediately headed to the clothes section and left it blank. I would let the dragons decide what type of clothes they wanted. Now all I had to do was get their measurements, this is gonna be a mess isn't it?

With Pitaya:
JUST CALM DOWN A BIT DAMN. Literally would not stop moving and I'm so lucky they have none of their powers else I would've been folded like a taco. Then again they probably could either way they're big. O_O So damn glad I was somehow able to calm them down enough to get all the measurements I needed and for them to pick out the clothes they wanted.

With Ananas:
Oh boi. I knew I wasn't gonna be able to hold my simp in forever, but I got dangerously close to breaking already. Thankfully they stayed pretty still the entire time (even if I heard them grumble under their breathe) so the measuring didn't take too long.

With Lotus:
I know for a fact they saw a bit of blush on my cheeks, but thank the Ancients they didn't pursue it. Also the most chill one so far so it didn't take too long either.

With Lychee:
They noticed it too. And they figured out I'm an Ananas simp. I'm goddamn done for aren't I? Thankfully with my high-key embarrassment and use of creative threats I was able to get them to promise not to tell, but that ain't gonna last long. I think at least. Also STOP SQUIRMING GEEZ-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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