The Ride

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As they turned the corner, MC was surprised to see not a car but a motorcycle.  *Oh!*  A wave of emotion hit her. She was nervous but admitted to herself that there was also a certain level of excitement inside her.

“Huh.  Is this your’s then?” MC tried to ask calmly, trying not to betray all the emotions she was feeling inside.

“Sure is!  It is a beautiful day and I was looking forward to the ride.  Of course, it will be even better with such a pretty lady along. Ever been on a bike?”  Phil gazed into MC’s eyes with a sly smirk.

“Um…No,” she managed to say as the excitement inside rushed to her throat and the color slowly crept up her face.

“Ah, so I will be your first.”

*Wait! What did he just say?*

When she didn’t answer he said, “This will be your first time then.”

“Yes, it will be.  Anything I should know?” she asked.

“Watch out for the exhaust pipes here,” he pointed, “as they will get very hot and we don’t want you to burn your pretty little ankles, but really that shouldn’t be much of a problem.  You can put your feet here,” he said pointing to the back foot pegs.  “And you can hold on like this,” he said as he spun MC around and wrapped his arm around her waist, crisscrossing them in front of her and hooking his thumbs through the belt loops of her jeans.

MC felt his chest against her back.  It felt warm in his embrace.  She imagined she could just melt right there in his arms.

“Or… you can wrap your arms around my chest like this,” Phil whispered next to her ear as he slid his arms up her belly and squeezed her tight right below her breasts.

The breath hitched in MC’s throat as she let out a small gasp.  Phil leaned in even closer, his lips only centimeters away from her ear.

“That will help you sync with me.  We will be able to move as one.”  MC blushed.

This was clearly not what she imagined when she had agreed to a ride!  He was so close to her, making her heart race.  MC was sure he could feel it pounding through her ribcage as he held her tight in this embrace. Slowly, he slid his hands down her sides till they were resting on the top of her hips. Giving them a little squeeze before stepping from behind her and towards his bike.

“Here, take my helmet,” he said offering it to her.  “We got to protect that pretty brain now don’t we?”

MC took it from his grasp and put it on fiddling with the chin strap.  Phil took out his sunglasses and put them on.  *Seriously, how can he look any hotter!*  He sat astride his bike wearing a black leather jacket over his white t-shirt.  Sunglasses on and his hair pulled up to keep it out of his face during the ride.

“Here, let me,” he said as he reached over and fed the strap through the buckle, pulling it snug before clicking the snap shut.  “There you go, Beautiful.  All strapped in and safe.”

*Deep breath, MC. You’ve got this. You have always wanted to ride a motorcycle before.  This will be fun. But, damn, did it have to be with someone so hot?* she could feel the color coming back to her face.

“MC, do you trust me?” Phil asked as he extended his hand to help her onto the bike.

“Surprisingly, yes. Yes, I do.”  She grabbed his hand, put her left foot on the back foot peg where he had shown her, and swung her other leg up and over the bike.

Phil turned slightly, “Just tap my chest if you get uncomfortable or need me to stop.”

“Ok,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his waist and hooked her thumbs into the belt loops of his jeans.  Pressing herself against his back, she leaned forward to rest her head on his back, not missing the smile that was plastered on his face.

Phil started the bike and it roared to life.  He revved it a few times before slowly walking it away from the curb.  MC was nervous and excited, but not scared.  She did trust Phil.  He may be a flirt, but he also was protective and kind.  He didn’t show it often, but she could see it.  She knew it was there.

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