Love Is In The Air...

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Finally at night she messaged me...
"Wow! Awesome poems...  I wished someone would write for me such poems...  "

I was amazed by this reply...  Didnt understand wat to reply...  And wat is she expecting me...
But,  i juz wanted to know her more so i messaged
"Thanks Thats so  sweet of you..  Happy that you liked my poems...  May I know your name...?"

I waited and I prayed that i may get to know her name...

But..... Night passed by...

No message reply...

So next day after my college...  I posted some sad poems to see if she would react to it...


They are the tiny drops from the sky. who are so pure that they connot deny They quitely listen to all that we say then, touch the earth or vanish in a bay. I love to walk in the rain cause no one can feel my pain. No one can see me cry cause tears mix with them and finally die. I have zillions of such companions, but still alone in the battalion. Fighting against fear and lonliness, And fatigue of the ruthless passiveness. Will any one even come to ask? To remove this fake cheerful mask. Or these descended fays are the only one, to support me in this lonely run. Still my life leaves a question, will anyone come to heal this repurcussion? or i will also become like the drops from the sky, and will mix with the earth and finally die...



Depression is here everyday
And it never goes away
Go away! I yell into the dark
As if someone is there
I feel as if I'm a prisoner
In the dungeon's lair
And as always no one cares
Do I dare?
Dare to care about anyone but me?
Could it be,
Someone there?
Someone there to care?
No, just an image
That's the way it will always be
No matter how hard I try
I just want to get by
I go through life day by day,
I thought pain was supposed
To go away with time
But it's not
It's still here
Here with the fear
Fear that I will get hurt more...

After posting I waited for her message. But,  with least expectation...

Surprisingly,  she messaged
"Roy yaar don't be sad... Please yiu write romantic poems only they are much better...  And my name is Emily"

And as I read her name... All the days in college I spent just flashed back.... And shes the girl who sitting besides me in the adjacent row....

So I messaged her...
"Emily whats wrong...! Y you kept so much suspense and never told your name...?"

She replied back...
" I didn't know how you'll react...  I need to tell you something important...  Tomorrow can you meet me alone in college... "

I said to myslf...  Y alne???  What is this girl upto...????  Is she going to propose me???  Or is it something else...???

So I just messaged
" Yes! Y not..."

Now I'm lying down and thnking wats going to happen tomorrow...


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