Batman's Discovery & Jor-El's Plan

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     Batman is known as the world's greatest detective for a reason. He knew something was off with his friend, other than the fact that he's an alien from a dead planet. No. Something was different about Superman, nothing too obvious, just a gut feeling. Meeting up at their favorite meeting place of Bibbo's Diner in Metropolis, Bruce Wayne sits opposite of Clark Kent.

     "Hi, my name's Lucy and I'll be your waitress today. What can I get started for you gentlemen?" the blonde waitress asks them.

     Looking up from the menu with his dashing smile (fake and typically reserved for the press), Bruce doesn't even think about his choice. "The devil's food, please," he looks directly at Clark as if he were one of the Riddler's riddles he needed to figure out.

     Feeling slightly uncomfortable from Bruce's soul-deep stare, Clark looks away and at Lucy. "I'll take a slice of your signature apple pie, thank you," Clark says kindly as he hands Lucy his menu while Bruce does the same.

     As Lucy walks away with their orders, Bruce turns on Clark with a look that screams Batman more than it does Bruce Wayne. "Who are you." It's not a question, because without a doubt the man sitting in front of him is not his best friend. That much Bruce is sure of.

     Clark sighs, "I was hoping this wouldn't happen, but I should've known you would figure it out." Bruce's look becomes a little more grim as his suspicion is proven correct. "I'm not really him, Kal-El. I'm just a backup, a plan B, a clone made by Jor-El's consciousness inside the Fortress of Solitude to take the real Kal-El's place temporarily until he recovers and can return to being Superman." Clone Clark shifts uncomfortably in the diner booth as Bruce keeps his grim stare.

    "What happened to Clark?" Bruce asks, a slight downturn to his lips the only indication of his distress. Bruce knows something happened to Clark. He knows this because if something didn't, Clark wouldn't have been missing for a little over a week now. And that's how long he's been missing because that's how long something has been off with Clark, or he supposes, Clone Clark. He wishes things would be simple, just one time, but he knows nothing is ever simple in the hero life. Bad things are what the hero life is built around, why anybody would believe something good would happen is beyond Bruce. He knows that better than anyone.

     "I don't know, believe me, I wish I did. I'm only supposed to walk in his shoes until he returns. I want him back as much as you do, living his life isn't exactly comfortable. I may have his memories and his behaviorisms, but I'm also aware that I'm not really him," Clone Clark sighs and brings his hand up to rub at the bridge of his nose.

     Before anything else could be said, Lucy returns with their desserts and fresh coffee for their mugs. Setting the food down and pouring them each a mug of steaming hot coffee, Lucy sends them both a bright smile, "Enjoy, you guys!" she exclaims with enthusiasm as she turns around and walks away, unknowingly effectively ending the conversation between the two men.


     July 4th, Washington, DC.

     "Is that what I think it is?" Batman asks, not actually needing an answer. He already knows more than what the others do. They think he's a clone created by Cadmus, but he's no clone. No, the clone is standing right beside him with a passive aggressive glare directed at the real Kal-El, the real Clark Kent. The real Clark Kent now known as Project Kr.

     "He doesn't like being called an it," Kid Flash mutters uneasily, afraid of getting into more trouble than they already were in. Sometimes he wishes they weren't so good at keeping their promises.

     Superma-no, Superboy pulls the torn white material of his solar suit to reveal the symbol for the House of El, and looking directly into Superman's eyes, "I'm Superman's clone," he declares with a slight growl, like he dared anyone to question his existence, to judge him for having no choice in being created. But also a slight insecurity lingers in his voice, barely noticeable, but Batman catches it all the same. And in that moment, he vows to protect his now-younger-friend. He would make sure Clark got the help he needed, but there were a couple of things that needed to be done first.


     "You're sure there's nothing left of his memory?" Batman asks Martian Manhunter, almost pleading--as much as Batman pleads anyway--to be wrong. Martian Manhunter sighs and looks Batman in the eyes, the only one Batman feels can see through the lenses of his cowl to the man underneath.

    "I am afraid that there is not even a small trace of residual memory left. He is a complete blank canvas, the only thing that I could find is the programming left behind by Cadmus and their G-Gnomes," J'onn J'onzz declares with a grim finality as he lowers his head in resignation. "I must ask, though I feel you will not answer, why did you believe the Superboy would have memories other than the ones taught to him by the G-Gnomes?" J'onn asks, raising his head back up with a reluctant curiosity, knowing already he would not receive an answer.

    "It's not for you to know. Just a hunch that I'm afraid you've proven correct," Batman firmly states as he turns, cape ruffling as he goes, and walks off towards Superman in the corner. "You should introduce her now, I think you've kept her long enough," Batman throws over his shoulder as he continues towards Superman. J'onn sighs and turns to bring in his new-found niece, a sweet girl by the name of M'gann M'orzz.

     "So, it's official. He can't return to being Superman?" Clone Superman asks, though he knows the answer already. He doesn't even need Batman to verbally confirm this, the look he gives Clone Superman is answer enough. Clone Superman sighs, "Then what do we do? Jor-El never planned for a scenario in which the real Kal-El never returned," he muttered with a slight nervousness to his tone. He was afraid. Afraid that his fear just became a reality. Afraid that he would have to take over someone else's life, knowing full well that he shouldn't be the one getting to live it. Afraid of what Jonathan and Martha would think, how they would react, if this would be the one thing to finally send Jonathan into cardiac arrest.

     "You continue as you are. No one can know that you're not the real Superman. Jor-El was right about one thing, the world needs Superman. Eventually we'll have to tell Clark's parents. I'm just grateful Clark never settled down, I'm sure a significant other would be hard pressed to accept this new change," Batman sighs, ignoring the look on Clone Superman's face and chancing a glance at the kids on the other side of Mount Justice's cave, he spots Superma-Superboy smile at the new Martian as she changes her uniform to match the colors of his shirt, saying something that Batman can't hear from this distance. He'll be okay, Bruce thinks.

Author's Note:

This is not my first fanfic, but it has been awhile since I have written any fanfics and the ones that I did write were written years ago and I removed them, haha. I've since been through college and now have my Bachelor's Degree in English, having majored in it and minored in creative writing. Having said that, this is totally just for funsies and I'm not taking the writing/grammer/punctuation too seriously, so I apologize now for any errors, also, this is never going to be proof-read, haha. I hope you guys enjoy, this has been an idea that popped into my mind a couple of months ago and hasn't Left, so I figured, "Hey, I have an upcoming jaw surgery that I need to get my mind off of and I'll also need something to do during recovery.... I know! I'll write a fanfic!" So, here I am! I'm genuinely excited to be writing this and I hope you guys love reading this as much as I love writing it! Please feel free to let me know what you think or ask any questions in the comments! I love hearing your guys' reactions and thoughts!

All my love,


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