Chapter 6

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Sophia's POV

When I arrive at work, I see that I have aisle clean up duty today. It's my least favorite thing to do, but it's a short shift so I can't complain too much. I notice Danny stocking shelves in one of the aisles.

"Hey man!" I say.

"What's up? Did you make it to Looneys yesterday?" He asks.

"I did, and they didn't have the album." I say disappointed.

"Man! I should've known it would sell out fast."

"On the bright side though, I met the coolest chick ever."

"You did? What's her name?" He asks.

"Joan, and she's punk!"

"Really? Like how punk?"

"Like Sex Pistols kind of punk!"

"For real? I didn't know we had girls like that in Long Island." He laughs.

"I didn't either, and she plays guitar and says she's a musician!"

"Dude! It sounds like you met Joan Jett!"

"Who?" I ask.

"You know, the guitarist that was in The Runaways. I think they broke up recently too!"

Joan Jett? I feel stupid for not knowing who that is.

"Maybe I'm stupid, but it's not ringing a bell."

"They sang the song cherry bomb!"

Then it hit me. I knew that song because I heard it on the radio a few years ago. Was that her band? Why didn't she mention it?

"Oh yeah, I know that song. But this could be a different Joan!"

"I don't know dude I don't know any other Sex Pistols level punk girls named Joan." He laughs.

"She let me listen to the album at her place by the way, and you were right, it was great!"

"And she let you come over to her place?" He asks shocked.

"I mean yeah, even though it's not really a sight to see yet." I said.

"Soph, you went to a rockstars house! Thats like a huge deal! The Runaways know all of the great bands they even know the Sex Pistols themselves."

"Danny we don't know for sure if this is that Joan or not so let's keep it cool for now."

"Whatever you say." He says.

I get back to cleaning up the aisles thankfully they're not that messy. Could Danny be right? Could the Joan I just let stay over at my house be a rockstar? I thought rockstars were supposed to have bad attitudes or something, or at least that's what the magazines say. Maybe that's all just stereotypes to get bands more attention. It's hard for me to believe because Joan is so nice and so cool and not to mention beautiful. I don't want to make any assumptions so maybe I'll just wait until later when I see her to ask.

My shift is just about to be over and I've thought about her the whole time. I can't wait to see her. I smile as I'm about to clock out and Danny walks up as he's about to clock out too.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks.

"Oh, nothing" I say.

"Smiling about your rockstar girlfriend?"

I roll my eyes. "Fuck off Danny."

"Damn, struck a nerve I see?" He laughs.

"You wish!" I shove him in the shoulder.

I start to walk out.

"Have fun with your girlfriend!" He yells.

"At least I can get one!" I yell back.

I walk to the bus stop and patiently wait for my bus to arrive.

I walk to the bus stop and patiently wait for my bus to arrive

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