Honesty & Cover Ups

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Your Pov:

We entered the courtroom and waited as the judge entered and took his seat. He cleared his throat. "Now then, before we proceed any further...I'm going to announce the results of the tests we had performed earlier." Phoenix rose a brow. "Tests?" The judge nodded. "Yes, tests. On the bloody dagger that was found stuck in the pine tree." Phoenix smiled sheepishly. "Oh yeah! That!"

Godot hummed. "That's the weapon that Maya Fey used when she fought with the victim." Phoenix looked back at the judge. "So what are the results!? Was it the victim's blood, or...?" The judge shrugged. "Due to time constraints, a full test wasn't possible. However...There's one thing we can say with certainty. The blood that was on this dagger was not the victim's blood! That is all. Now then, let's restart this trial."

I watched silently as Maya approached the stand. I glanced at Iris, but she was looking down at the floor. Once the cross examination began and I was sure no one was looking at me, I quietly left the courtroom, allowing Pearls to go to Phoenix.

I walked into the detention center, the cold air making me shiver. I approached the guard at the desk. "I need to see Morgan Fey." The guard looked at me. "Immediate family only." I sighed. "I'm her third daughter, (Y/n) Fey." The guard stood. "Hm, I'll have her sent for. Follow me." I followed the guard to a visitation room.

The glass wall divided the bleak room in two. I sat in the chair and waited. The clock on the wall ticked away. She needed to come soon. I couldn't miss the end of the trial. A few minutes later, the door opened and my mother entered. She sat down.

"It's been what? 5, maybe 6 years since you ran away and disgraced the family?" I huffed. "I'm not here to apologize if that's what you're thinking. I'm here for answers." She laughed dryly. "Answers? Oh my dear disappointment of a child, I don't think you do." I frowned. "No. I do. And you're going to tell me."

I continued. "Because of you, my sisters and I, we all suffered. Was destroying your family worth the master's seat? No amount of money, power, or glory is worth that." She smiled, her gaze icy. "Imagine having everything ripped away from you just because your sister was just a little more powerful than you. Watching as your husband leaves you, takes your children with him, and all the while, your sister has a perfect happy life. Do you understand yet?"

I crossed my arms. "Are you even listening to yourself? I already know what that feels like! I was there when father took Dahlia and Iris away. I was there when Pearls showed her first signs of spiritual power! And I raised Pearl for the first 3 years of her life! Not you. Me."

She tilted her head. "Do you know something I do not? That looks like a magatama under your shirt." I narrowed my eyes at her as I took the magatama out of my shirt. "You were too busy paying attention to Pearl that you didn't realize the power I held. My spiritual power exceeds the master's, Maya's, and even Pearl's. But as a branch family member, I don't have a chance and...I don't care."

Her expression turned shocked. "This is wonderful! We can make another, better plan to get rid of M-" I cut her off. "No. I will not allow you to hurt Maya or anyone else. You've done enough damage to last a lifetime." I stood and smiled at her.

"And now you can rot with the knowledge that you turned away your ticket to the master's seat."

I turned and left the room, ignoring her screams and pleas for me to come back. She had wasted all her second chances and ran out of free passes. She knew of the village's law, just like I did.

If the new master is weak in her abilities and has no sisters to replace her, the strongest branch family member will take her place, and become part of the main family.

This was the law.

And in that moment, as I walked back towards the courthouse, I knew.

Morgan Fey, much like Dahlia, would never win at anything. Ever.

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