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Your Pov:

Soon enough, the trial ended and the bailiff brought Iris out. I approached her and the bailiff gave us some privacy. I turned to her. "Iris, I need to tell you everything. I don't want anymore secrets." She looked at me. "You can tell me anything." I sighed. "The day Dahlia killed Doug Swallow, she consulted me. Because I knew Phoenix's schedule and routine, she asked me about his plans. And that's when I told her about his meeting with Doug."

She sighed. "I always knew that she would trust you more. But I knew that you were consulting with her. I accidentally eavesdropped on you two that day. We were both caught up in her troubles, but now, it's finally over. You can return to the village and I'll finish my time here. And in the future, we'll see each other again. I just know it."

I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you, Iris. I love you." She hugged back. "I was only doing what was right. I love you too." I watched as the bailiff took her away. Once she was out of sight, I turned to face Phoenix. He was talking with a few of his friends, but once he saw me looking, he came over to me. "(Y/n)...can I talk to you?" I nodded. "Of course. What's wrong?"

I stayed silent as he led me to an empty lobby. Once we were alone, he spoke. "I need you to be honest with me. Please." I sighed. "If you have questions, just ask, Phoenix." He looked at me. "The case 6 years ago, how were you involved? And why?"

I looked down. "I didn't even know that Dahlia was attending the same university until she approached me. After that, she told me about Iris and added me to her plan. I was outside the courthouse 6 months prior when she poisoned Mr. Armando. I..." Phoenix spoke. "What did you do, (Y/n)?" My voice shook. "I was supposed to get the necklace from her and take it away from the courthouse. But then you bumped into her and the plan changed."

Phoenix rose a brow. "And what about Doug Swallow?" I bit my lip. "I knew about Dahlia's plan for that day because she consulted with me instead of Iris. She told me everything and I told her about your schedule and routine. That's how she stole your cold medicine. After that, when the trial began, Iris and I both stopped our involvement. Iris went back to the temple and I pretended like everything was fine and normal."

Phoenix looked at me. "They were your sisters, so I can understand why you did what you did. But, why didn't you tell me that you were a spirit medium or from the village?" I looked down. "If I would've told you, you would've figured out who I was related to. I didn't want you to hate me!" I swallowed before mumbling.

"All I ever wanted was for you to not hate me..."

I tensed as I felt his arms wrap around me in a hug. I hugged him back and he muttered into my ear. "I could never hate you. I...I lo-"

He was cut off by the door opening. Maya poked her head in. "Let's go, you two! I don't want to miss dinner!" We quickly pulled away from the hug and turned towards her. Phoenix spoke first.

"Uh, yeah, Maya. We'll be right there."

Maya left the room and I headed towards the door. "She's right, Phoenix. Let's go. Everything's finally over, so let's celebrate that."

I left the room and followed after Maya, a small smile on my face.

One Step At A Time (Phoenix x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now