Gone Girl

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Your Pov:

Ten minutes later, the trial resumed. Phoenix came to the stand and it looked like he had been crying a little. They asked for the bottle necklace, which had apparently been stolen. My hand flew to my mouth when Phoenix revealed that he had eaten the necklace. The court flew into another panic as the defense attorney questioned his health and how he felt.

Luckily, Phoenix seemed to be ok. The prosecutor laughed, calling out the defense attorney's claims. Phoenix quickly spoke, explaining how Doug told him that someone had stolen poison from the lab eight months and just a week ago and that he believed Dahlia to be the thief.

He spoke, "There's one more thing... After I pushed him that day...I got worried and came back to have a look. And she was there...Dollie was right there. She was crouched down next to him..." He continued, "She told me not to ever tell anyone about it, but... I'm sorry, Dollie!" The court freaked out. The defense attorney spoke, "The defense believes that Ms. Dahlia Hawthorne... ...stole some poison on the night before she killed Doug Swallow." I knew what she was getting at and I agreed with it.

She explained how Dahlia was going to use the poison to kill someone. Then pointed to Phoenix as that 'someone' The prosecutor huffed, "Th-That's preposterous!! After all, it was Doug Swallow that was murdered!" She nodded, "Well, it's true that that's how things worked out...But, let's remember that Mr. Swallow died of electrocution, not poison. The person that Ms. Hawthorne was planning to poison was in fact...You, Phoenix Wright. There's no one else that it could be."

The defense attorney revealed Dahlia's whole plan. Phoenix shook his head, "Th-Th-Th...That can't be trueeeeeeeee!!" Then, another voice filled the room. It was cold, almost emotionless. The camera panned over to Dahlia. She stood there, lifting her hair and letting it drop onto her shoulder. Her face was blank, but her eyes were emulating disgust.

...At Phoenix.

" 'Feenie'...What a joke you are. Honestly, how can any woman ever count on you for anything? I even told you time and time again to keep your trap shut about me and that necklace...You disgust me!" In that moment, I could tell Phoenix was heartbroken.

The defense attorney kept pushing her. Dahlia spoke, "We'll see about that. But first, where's your evidence? It seems your sniveling little crybaby of a client has eaten the bottle as a snack." After many tense minutes of attitude and nervousness later, the defense attorney decided to present the final piece of evidence.

I watched with wide eyes as the bottle of cold medicine was presented.

The prosecutor tried to make a dumb joke but the defense attorney continued, "If I did, I still wouldn't take this cold medicine. After all... It's been poisoned." She pushed Dahlia until she snapped. Dahlia growled, "..Grr... Nngghh... Hnnn... MIA FEY...! MIA... FEYYYY...!! Do. You. Think. You've. Won? Well!? Do you, Mia Fey?" She continued, "Heh... Heh... Heh... Heheh... That's. Just. Fine! For the time being... For the time being, victory is yours." I bit my lip.

For some reason, that gave me a nauseous feeling.

She smiled, tilting her head, "I'm going to go spend a little quality time with the men in blue now. I wish you all the best." Then, she was gone.

After a few minutes, the judge spoke, "I believe I am ready to pass judgment and bring this trial to an end. The court finds the defendant, Phoenix Wright..."

I smiled as he finished.

"Not Guilty!"

I jumped up and grabbed my keys, a bright smile on my face.

I'm on my way, Phoenix...

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