𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1

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Sayaka pov

Today was surely normal, I was in President office as she called me 30 minutes earlier. But she didn't told me why, yet.

"Sayaka, do you mind follow me to the school entrance? She should be here by now" the President suddenly said.

Who is she?  I thought for myself.

It's there a transfered student? I should have know if there is. Do we have an VIP coming? Why I didn't know anything? I should have know...

As I notice my behavior, I shake my head back to reality.

"Sure President" I said before following her.

Many students are still around the school as it was lunch time. Students are everywhere, the corridor, some still in class but for sure most at the cafeteria. Most of them giving a way for us, or actually for the president as they are scare of her.

"HEY, BITCH!" I suddenly heard a load shouted from my back.

Looking at the source of the voice, I found there are male student about to attack the President and for sure are running towards out direction.

I took my taser out of my hand, I'm ready to protect the President with all I got as her secretary. In the motion of light, I suddenly feel shadow covering my body, making me seeing my surrounding quite dark than before. As I look up by reflect there is someone, a students I never meet.

They jump to the scene, immediately kick that boy student on the face before land safely to the ground.

My eyes widen by what just happened. Looking back at the President and analyzing what just happened.

If and not wrong they just jump 3 meter tall and 7 foot as far. That's just the minimum I could imagine and I'm sure it's more than it. But surely that already far from common human jump, which make me amazed.

Not just me, their action seem like bring the all of students attention as everyone is now looking at them.

"Who is that?" A voice said.
"A new student?" Then another.
"They seem strong" And another.
"It's thay boy okay?" And another.

Many whisper could be heard across the corridor. Even many people from the cafeteria was now able to be seen by my eyesight. Whoever was in class, now are taking a peek from the window.

"You are earlier than I expected" the President approach from my back. She now beside me as she is walking toward the unknown student.

"P-president is this is the person that mentioned?" I asked, still afraid that the unknown student might be a threat.

"Yes, and (y/n) please come to my office. We sure have a lot of talk to do" President said while making her way back to the office. The unknown student just followed behind her, or more specific now they are walking beside me.

I was stunned as I look at the male student, he's for sure deserve it but the kick was too strong that I think they have to call the ambulance for the broken neck.

Back to the unknown student. So, the name is (y/n). But I'm not so sure what their gander is, because their hairstyle are more feminine but they are wearing boy uniform. I think I'll just go with they/them for now. I think they're also new as I never meet them before.

As we reach the president office, President as her to take a seat which they just followed without word.

"President, do you want me to bring some tea?" I ask.

"Please do" the President said.


Ririka POV

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now