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Sayaka POV

The school was done for today but I have to stay because of council work. For sure most of people must be arrived home for now.

I just walking around the school, making my way to the president office before I say 3 male student was circling me.

"Because of you we can't get out from our life plan!" One of them said.

Why me though? I'm not the one who arrange it...

I get my taser out from my pocket but I immediately feel a pair of hand holding be tightly.

"Now you have no where to go, we gonna make sure you pay for it" the tallest guy said. I assumed he's the leader.


All of us looking at the source of the familiar sound and found (l/n) standing there.

"You again! Get inside!"

I heard, before feeling body is being pulled to the nearest classroom. The guys shut the door and block it with the chair.

For sure (l/n) is trying to open the door as I saw the door was shaken.

I got quite somehow before I saw them jump from the class window with their bare body.

W-what in the world was they thinking?

They land in the center of the classroom. One of them started to attack them while the other on which I assumed the leader was picking up a chair as a weapon.

"(L/n)-San, watch out!" I shouted but it was too late. Once their eyes looking at my direction, the guys immediately hit the back of her left shoulder.

The wooden chair broke immediately by how hard the hit was. (l/n) also fall to the nearest table by the impact.

The 'boss' pulled the by their collar and throw the the front of the class, just a meter beside me.

My eyes widen the I saw her coughing blood.

I notice her hand reaching to somewhere in her uniform pocket. In the motion of light the guys that was holding me got shot on his leg.

He immediately let go of me and yelled in pain. Everyone eyes narrow to the gun. I immediately hide behind them and followed to the door.

They kick the chair off the door and open it. Once it open the president already there, smiling.

"As I expect, nothing but problem" The president said.

The president walk in. She looking at the guys with an insane smile. Her eyes is glowing platinum blue that enough to make everyone scare by the look.

"All three of you are expelled" she said.

"Hope you found your family in grave" she added while leaving.

All the guys look at her in horror. I don't know what happened after as I followed (l/n) and the president.

Soon I calm down I noticed I was holding (l/n)'s hand. Immediately let go of it act like nothing was happened. I hope she don't  noticed it.

I look at my hand and saw a blood on my hand. I don't to mentioned, maybe (l/n) does know but acted like it was nothing.

We reach the office and everyone act like nothing happened. President, continued her work and (l/n) just sit on the sofa acting innocent.

As time passed I still don't dare to pointed (l/n) arm but for sure it look bad as now I saw a red colour covering thier white shirt that are under their uniform.

"You always that stubborn aren't you?" Suddenly president said.

"Tch" it's all I heard from (l/n).

"I'm not being rude but please go the hospital... That does look bad.." I said sort of whisper but still could be hear by both of them.

"See? Even Sayaka is worried" President paused and look at me.

"Sayaka please brought her to the hospital for me. Can you?" She added.

"Yes president"



"Do you really have to follow me?" They ask. We were waiting for the car to arrived.

"I must make sure that I do the task that was given to me" I said.




s the car stop, I look outside and arrive at a big house. Totally not hospital.

"Where are we?" I ask.

(l/n) start to walk out the car and said "Come on" not even look at me as her eyes narrowing to the surrounding.

I followed her and get inside. We were welcome by a man.

"What kind of problem you do this time?" He said.

Then he notice me, he give me a soft smile. I smile back at response. He don't seem bad.

"Oh, didn't know you brought a friend" he said. He give a last smile and focus on (l/n).

We walk to the second floor of the house an arrive at the furthest room.

The man open the door and I saw a bed, many medicine and other things. It like an operation room but not that completed.

"You can take a sit if you want" the man said while pointing on the chair that are beside the bed. Which mean I am facing (l/n).

(l/n) sat on the bed, starting to undressing their top. I look away so as the man.

Why he look away to? So is (l/n) is actually girl?

I am not being homophobic, I just curious since they using she/her but they act to smooth like a grow man. I just wandered.

I a short peek on (l/n) and I saw them nothing but in bidder. I think I understand now.

I look everywhere but (l/n) before hear they said "done"

I look at them and found their left shoulder are badly injured. Their hand covered with blood as it hit the window before.

By the look of the injuries I don't think she can't move her arm easily.

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now