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    This brunch is exactly what a dinner party from hell looks like—if it were a dinner.

    Every month, my parents likes to have these brunches every Sunday so that they could see us and so we could update them with out lives. Jett started off with an update on the quidditch team he's coaching and then into his business classes. Scarlett then went on about her journey into law and how she's also now double majoring with psychology. I however, didn't have any good updates except a cover story as to my Draco's knuckles are all bruised and why he has a cut on his lip.

    Since the party last night, Draco and I have been trying to concoct some kind of lie to cover up the real reason he's all bruised up. The real story is, he got really drunk and when this guy at the party recorded me with my shirt off and then called me a slut, Draco punched him in the face repeatedly. It wasn't until Jett pulled him off when his fists disconnected from the guy's face. Blaise had to lock everyone inside of the house and had them make Unbreakable Vows so word doesn't get out. Theo was too busy getting his dick wet to even know what was going on during his party. He only found out because Blaise had to make the girls make Unbreakable Vows. Girls plural.

    I'm not one to judge since I've had a threesome in the past, but seeing how Theo was so gentle with me when it came to sex, it surprised me that he was with multiple girls on one night. It's probably because I'm "dating" one of his best friends.

    Jett and Scarlett promised that they won't tell our parents the truth about last night and said that we should just say Draco got jumped. But Draco and I agreed that it won't be believable, but also because Lucius would just call him a weak little bitch for having to use his hands instead of magic in a fight. We've come to the conclusion that while at Theo's birthday party, a drunk asshole was getting handsy with me and Draco had to fight him off. Which is partly true since a guy did slap my ass last night. Normally I don't mind getting my ass slapped, but I did mind when my clothes are fully on and when the guy isn't Draco Malfoy.

    "Draco, honey", my mother said touching her pearls. "I'm so sorry you were in a situation like that, but I want to thank you for protecting my daughter."

    My father nodded his head. "I would like to as well. It means a lot to me that you protected my little girl."

    I mentally cringed. There's something about my father calling me his little girl that makes me sick. Maybe it's because he doesn't treat me like his little girl. More like a little girl who's a disappointing twin to his son.

    Draco shrugged his shoulders. "It was nothing. The bastard deserved everything he got."

    "Good to hear", my father nodded.

    I kissed the cut on Draco's lip. "You didn't have to do that for me", I said in a whisper. "I don't need you defending my honor."

    "I know. I remember very well what you did to that guy's poor stomach", he smirked. "Besides, you're my best friend, If you go down, so do I."

    I smiled.

    Draco and I are two partners in crime. Sometimes literally. If he got in a fight someone, I was there, ready to step in, and he does the same for me. We never leave each other's sides. Not for anything.

    I traced his cut lightly with my fingertip. Draco grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a kiss. We kept in short and sweet since we're in front of my parents.

    "Now how are you going to get Instagram photos of me with this cut on my lip?"

    A smile plays on my lips. "I think it's sexy."

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