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    All I see is red.

    All I can see is Montague holding Darcy.

    Him touching her.

    His hands on her arms.

    His fingers pressed into her skin.

    My fist collides with Montague's face again. I can't tell you how many time I've hit him because I stopped counting after the second punch. I've been too concentrated on murdering this motherfucker to hear people screaming my name and telling me to stop.

    Hands grab me, pulling me off of the bloodied and almost unconscious body beneath me. Blood drip from my knuckles and stains my skin. It seeps through my mesh shirt.

    "Take a deep breath, Malfoy", a voice says in my ear.

    Another voice says, "Do you want to get thrown into Azkaban?"

    Suddenly, I am disapparated from the corridor in Malfoy Manor. I was transported to the basement of my home. The location of the old cellar. It now acts as a room where my family's ancient dark artifacts are stored. It was also where I was sent as a kid whenever I was being punished.

    I take in ragged quick breaths, trying to slow my heart down as I take in the location I was just apparated to. Hands are still on me, holding back both of my arms.

    Heels clicking against the concrete floors quicken as it reached me. A pair of arms wrap around my waist and a warm body is pressed up against mine. The scent of cherry liqueur and faint rose engulfs me.


    My muscles relax and the hands holding onto me release me. I wrap my arms around her, sniffing her hair to make sure it still smells like eucalyptus. To make sure she still smells like mine.

    "Draco", Darcy sniffles. "What happened?"

    What did happen?

    Her body shakes beneath me. Her wet tears soak through my mesh shirt. "I don't understand why you did what you did."

    "I don't either", I whisper.

    I don't know what took over me. I can't remember what was going through my head.

    All I know is, I got a text from Darcy telling me that she was hiding in the powder room by the ballroom. Once I was done talking to my father, I rushed over there to her. I was worried about Montague approaching her while I was gone. So when I knocked twice and didn't hear from her, I thought she had done something to herself.

    Darcy can fall into darkness sometimes and I never know which way she is heading, but both ends in destruction.

    I had to use magic to burst open the door because it was locked. I thought I was going to see Darcy on the ground with her knees tucked in her chest. Instead, she was in the arms of Graham Montague. That is when I saw red and felt nothing but rage. From then on, I have no idea what happened. Everything was just my body moving and falling under the spell of my intrusive thoughts.

    Maybe it's from all of the alcohol I had consumed. I was already three drinks in when I went to go speak to my father, and what happened in his study resulted to me consuming a whole bottle of Maker's Mark within minutes. Or it could've been seeing my girlfriend in the bathroom with another man. I don't want to blame Darcy for my actions. I did what I did because I wanted to, but it didn't help knowing what I know.

    In the past, Darcy has snuck off during events like these that our families through. She would flirt with a bartender, server, or a guest at the party. Then, she would guide them into the nearest bathroom so they can have sex. Never once has Darcy been in a bathroom with one other person and have not made skin to skin contact. That's what set off all of my anger. Because I know who she is.

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