Part Two

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Vic's eyes burst open and her body jerked upright so that she was sitting up. It took her a moment to realise that she was back home and sleeping in Travis's bed, rather than in her own bed or in a hospital.

She looked to the right and the worry in Travis's face could've been seen from a mile away.

"Did you have that dream again?" He asked her as she went to go lay down again.

"Yeah," She nodded and started to place her head on Travis's shoulder.

He looked onto his nightstand and looked at the time, doing some quick maths in his head. "It's almost time for more pain meds. Are you in a lot of pain?" he stood up quickly.

"A little." She admitted, rubbing her hand down her long cast.

At this point, she had been injured for just over a week and had been out of the hospital for three days. She had decided that her house needed to have a healthy and not at all tense atmosphere, and after she heard the entirety of the argument that Travis and Theo had - or really, what Travis finally exploded about - she decided Theo shouldn't be around that much to make sure her best friend was also doing okay. Because he wasn't.

If they were both honest, none of them were doing okay.

Travis was continuing to sit on the anger about the whole thing. He'd talked to Theo a few times when Vic was still in the hospital, and it was civil, but Travis just didn't really feel comfortable around him anymore. Theo tried to apologise a few times but Travis wouldn't listen.

They'd both separately ranted to Vic about it and in the end, she had heard two different versions of the same story at least 5 times, so she banned angry Travis/Theo talk from her hospital room until further notice. She was glad to be finally getting some peace and quiet.

And Vic just felt really bad. She hated that she didn't really notice any of the warning signs about Travis struggling with Theo being at 19, and she especially hated how she basically did cause the explosion because she was the one that got injured. Then again, the whole 'Travis loses it' thing was bound to happen at some point, so the injury just fast-tracked it ever so slightly.

"I'll be back, alright? I'm getting you some food." Travis started to get out of bed.

"Travis-" Vic started to refuse.

"You are not taking these pain meds on an empty stomach. They're gonna knock you out for a few hours so I wanna make sure you're still eating because you've barely eaten since the injury." He told her. "I will be back."

She shook her head lightly. "Fine."

She waited for a while, hearing Travis move around various pots and pans and singing quietly to himself. She was feeling a level of pain that was manageable at that current moment, but she knew it was almost time for her meds so the pain was going to come back really fast if she wasn't careful.

He soon came back in with a tray and he placed it next to her. "I cooked pancakes for you. Your favourite." He said, proudly. "And also, I brought you in a glass of water and your meds so you can take them when you've eaten." He pointed to the glass and the bottle of meds also on the tray.

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