New Girl-Richard Winters

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As Colonel Sink showed me to my barracks in Camp Toccoa, I got stares from everyone there.

As I walked in the door, all eyes were on me. "You lost," a few of the boys chuckled. "I'm in the right place," I snapped, my Australian accent coming through quite strong. "Australian with attitude. The whole package."

I walked over to the empty bed in the back of the barracks. One man walked over and introduced himself. "I'm Denver Randelman, but my friends call me Bull," he said. I was very small and petite, so Bull towered over me. "If any of the boys give you a hard time, you come and find me," I nodded my head.

Bull and a couple of others boys I learned the names of, George Luz and Joe Toye, gave me a quick tour of the camp. I got a couple of wolf-whistles from men of other companies. We walked past a group of men who appeared to be Captains. One was drinking from a flask, one was smoking, and the other was staring directly at me. I would be lying if I said he wasn't kind of cute. His red hair glowing in the sunlight, his bright green eyes boring into me.

"Hey baby. Why don't you come over here and put this mouth to good use," one of the men from Dog company called. I turned to look at him. "I'll stick my foot so far up your ass it'll come out your mouth. Is that was youse talking about," my Australian accent coming through strong again. The men that I was with, chuckled. I turned back around and caught a glimpse of the red-headed Captain smirking.

"L/N, Perconte, Talbert, Roe, and Toye. You five are taking the patrol tonight," Winters said. His gaze landed on me. "L/N, since you are the smallest, you are entering the German headquarters and taking anything you deem important," Winters said, his eyes full of concern. All the boys fixed their gaze on my figure.

"Yes sir." We grabbed our gear and began our trek down to the German-occupied town.

"Private L/N, are you ready?" Winters asked. I shrugged off all my gear except my knife and side-arm. "What are you doing," Toye questioned. "If I take all my gear off, I'll be quicker and quieter."

Winters walked over and placed a hand on the small of my back. "Be careful," he whispered in my ear, making me shiver. I nodded my head. I crouched down and ran across the road over to the German HQ. I found an open window, but there was a German officer inside. I turned and could barely make out the silhouette of the men of Easy. I pulled out my side arm, and pulled myself up enough in the window to fire at the German. I shot him in the side of the head.

I pulled myself the rest of the way through the window. There was a beautiful oak desk covered in papers. I can't read German, so I grabbed a few paper that looked important.

I jumped back out the window, and came up beside Easy company. Everyone raised their guns and pointed them in my direction. "Flash." "Thunder," I replied. Winters got up and rushed to my side. He looked me up and down as to make sure. "Dick, I'm fine," I said, resting a hand on his shoulder. He raised his head to look me in my eyes. He pulled me close and smashed his lips into mine. It took a moment for it to register what was happening, but I kissed back.

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