Chapter 165: Eventual Friendliness

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Meanwhile, in the glades of Tiliac, Aster continued to trudge through the wilderness. Small drops of rain began to fall as the night closed in, "I need to find shelter", he thought as the precipitation made his black hair drip. Eventually, he came across a small pit, partially covered by a rock. Aster recalled something, "I remember these were used for shelter back when I still lived here. I hope it's not occupied.".

After all this time, Aster hadn't slept a wink. Interruption after interruption plagued him, not to mention all the treacherous missions he did in the syndicate beforehand. He jumped into the hole and immediately passed out with the darkness. He needed this, his body experienced a euphoria as if it were ascending to a blissful haven within the small pod. "Back when I was in the clan, I dreaded having to sleep in one of these, but now it seems like the most comfortable place in the world...", he thought.

Hours passed, and Aster remained soundly asleep, when suddenly, he started to hear a faint tapping, slowly getting more intense with each passing second. Then, he heard a whistling from above. Surely this was a dream, what was going on? He opened one eye in curiosity as the sound grew more and more annoying. Finally, the culprit called out, "Wakey Wakey sleepy head!".

"What's the matter?", inquired Aster as he started to wake up. "Clearly you don't know the clans waking times, so you must be new.", spoke the voice with in insistence. "I'm not in the clan, go away.", groaned Aster. "Who are you?", inquired Aster. "I am Enzo, and I haven't seen you before.", explained the young man with cyan hair, showing off his razor sharp teeth. "I can protect you if you need!", he offered.

"Look, I can tell you're clearly privileged if you're offering such things.", Aster pointed out. "Privileged? Nah! I hate the clan heads, if anything I need more allies outside of this wretched place.", replied Enzo. Aster smirked, "Just like me, huh? I would've done anything to leave on good terms like you're planning to do, but alas, they saw me as a threat.". "What's your name? My superior has told me about a boy who left the clan that he saw recently.", asked Enzo. "Aster Orocha.", responded the black haired boy.

"I see, so you must be the guy.", Enzo enthused. "Why does that matter?", it's not like you're gonna respect me. Aster started to walk away, but the cyan haired man was too persistent. "Hey! Don't think that! I value Vanian's opinion, he's the only clan head I trust!", he stubbornly shouted. "Sorry, you're not worth my time...", Aster was too exhausted to bother.

Back in the mansion, Demitris laid on Rou's bed by the sleeping blue haired man's side. Breathing heavily, he touched around his body, feeling the aftermath of what had happened to him. Should he enjoy it? Should he regret it? He didn't know just yet. He glanced at Rou, passed out from the ordeal, Demitris's cheeks flushed a bright red just thinking about him. As he tried to lean in for a kiss, someone barged through the door.

"How's it going?", the voice at the door greeted. "Rou! Rou, wake up! Rou!", cried Demitris, angrily. "Let me sleep", the blue haired man groaned. Demitris peered up at the guest, it was Catoria. "Leave him to rest, after the ruckus earlier I had to speak to you.", she insisted. "M-My apologies", Demitris apologized. "I said I'd offer Rou relief and we kinda...", Demitris felt conflicted in his heart. "So... Can you please, kindly give me a moment to make my way out?", he begged.

"Well, aren't you going to make small talk with me?", she remarked. "Why would I do that? I've just got everything I ever wanted and you're scolding me for it.", he reminded her. Demitris got up, straightened his pants, and grabbed his shirt off the chair. "Why did you need to speak to Rou? Can't you see what state he's in?", Demitris reminded. "And why should I tell you, a mere soldier?", questioned Catoria. "I...I care about him, okay...", replied Demitris.

"If you must know, it's about the ice wall, there has to be something going on.", she recounted. Demitris crossed his arms. "Just leave Rou be,and don't harm him. That's all I ask.". Catoria sighed, "You really love him, don't you?", she inquired. "Y-Yeah, with all my heart...", admitted Demitris. Catoria thought back to her own life, how much was done in the heat of the moment, instead of with genuine feelings. She had no empathy for this boy before, but now she could see he wasn't a curse, out of pure instinct she pulled Demitris into a hug.

"I haven't been in your life all these years and have no idea what you're going through, but I hope you succeed in your romantic endeavours. Just don't over exert yourself, alright?", Catoria advised. "I-I'll try...", cried Demitris, sobbing in his creator's arms. The succubus gave him one last instruction, "Give Rou strength in knowing he can truly love a man like you, nothing superficial like sex and drugs, just pure and true love, it's something I can never experience...". As Demitris waved Catoria goodbye, he thought about what dangers Rou could face in the future, but this time he was sure he could fight them with him.

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