Chapter 192: Utterly Overpowered

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Everyone covered their eyes at the blinding ruby glow, but soon after, their eyes adapted to the new surroundings, and they started gasping in shock. Facing the group were Viper, Craaq, Shiva, Sulena and Catoria. "All of you were gone, annihilated!", enthused Demitris out of impulse. Viper snorted, "Vox is a small fry, you should've known we'd break out!" Aster chuckled lightly, giving a sincere smile despite the dire situation, "Glad to have you back...".

Vox gave an earth shaking laugh between the fighters and the returned rebels, "This is what you call an advantage Eddie?!", he taunted. Edward nodded with pride and arrogance. Vox continued, "We always knew you couldn't resist assisting me...". Edward glared at Vox with narrowed eyes, "You're a fool if you think I'm going to assist you again...". For a split second, the fae's eyes appeared almost human, staring widely at his former lover, "Oh, but you are...". Vox turned cold again, glaring at everyone in turn. "Now that you're all here, it gives me an excuse to use my full power!".

In no time at all, the barrage of attacks begun. "Now!!!", ordered Fleur. Her sword held tightly at her side. She struck the man
hard, sending him flying with one blow. Then, as if in a trance, she attacked again and again, leaving no time for him to regenerate, even more so once Craaq began shooting at the fae with his crossbow. "We might actually win this...", Aster thought quietly to himself. Just as the last of Fleur's energy dissipated, she led Viper and Shiva to their kill . "You two should hurry, hold him off for a while", she ordered her companions, and without further ado, the two took off immediately.

For the first time, Vox was coughing up blood as Viper tied him in chains while Shiva distracted him. "My dear, you look terrible!", Edward exclaimed when he saw him, almost sarcastically, but with worry still lacing his voice. The man shook his head, "Snap out of it!", the boss said to himself, pulling out the last of his empathy for his ex boyfriend. "Oh please... I'll kill him for real this time.", Vox sneered darkly.
Aster stared at him intently, as his hands broke through the chains with his brute godly strength, quickly brewing up an enormous ball of energy. "Aster, run!!!", Fleur commanded, pointing at Demitris in the line of fire.

Before the boy could think, Rou and Sulena shielded the crimson haired soldier in an amalgamation of ice and spider silk. "Get him out of here, it's not safe...", Rou mumbled before quickly retreating with Viper. Aster refused to follow Fleur's advice immediately, an idea bubbling in his thoughts. "What are you thinking Aster?", Demitris rubbed his friend's shoulder in both support and concern. "I don't know the solution, every time I try to think, my mind just spirals out of control.". Catoria overhead them, stumbling up to the young males.

"Aster, Demitris, I believe you're the key to this fight...", the succubus declared. The soldiers gave a confused look, first at her, then at each other. "We're but needles in an endless haystack of organised crime, there's no way we can defeat Vox alone...". Catoria put a finger to the boys' lips, purring at them, "Oh but you do...". Aster and Demitris attempted to protest, but she silenced them once more, "Come, intruder. Let me spread my wisdom..."

She whispered in Aster's ear, giving the suggestion of their lives. "I don't understand, why aren't you telling me!", exclaimed Demitris. Finally, Aster stood tall again, slightly disoriented, but oddly focused, "Demitris, I need you to lend me your powers...", his arms trembled, but Aster was willing to take the risk. Demitris would have slapped his younger companion on the spot had it not been an emergency, "Aster, you won't be able to control it...", he warned. "It's the only way!", Aster countered.

Demitris raised his hand, the blackness of demolition coursing through it, "You can still change your mind you know...". Aster couldn't take any more chances, glossing over Demitris's warning, he opened his mouth, letting the inky black dust in. His throat burned as he swallowed absolute destruction, feeling the heat rush to his lungs, filling them until he couldn't draw any more oxygen. He tried to ignore the throbbing pain as Demitris's power coursed through his body. He had to use all of his concentration to force it out, his voice shouting as loud as he could in both desperation and relief. "DESTRUCTION FORME!".

The centre of Aster's sword turned jet black, its edge gleaming menacingly as Aster approached Vox. "All this time it was you tormenting me. Edward wanted me dead when I first arrived, not from his own will but because YOU manipulated him! To you, this place is a breeding ground of weakness, but to us, it's a family!". Vox laughed despite the blood pouring from his body, "Go on, kill me. Let revenge fill your very soul! Let emotion take over as I evade your every move." The boy remained silent, even as Vox lunged at him. Hix opponent got closer and closer, and his eyes remained completely transfixed on the fae's every move. Finally, when he was millimetres away, he struck a powerful blow.

Destruction pierced through the skin of Vox. At last, the fae roared as the darkness invaded his eyes, threatening to tear him apart. "You really think this will stop me! I'll teleport away, I will!", he yelled, taunting becoming begging. "I can reverse this, I promise! I'll make my way up the ranks! Please just let me live!". The demon laughed maniacally, as he felt as if his body was turning to liquid, and his heart turning to dust. At last, Vox stopped in his tracks, giving into the pain, "You...fool...", the man's last words were choked by his final breath. His body disintegrated and vanished.

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