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Chloe's words ended abruptly upon the sound of wings fluttering down almost tirelessly as the sound pierced through the breeze.

For a moment, it hadn't occurred to them that their winged friend had returned. But the light knight snapped out of her compassion and turned her head to the oncoming noise and the shuffle in the dirt as Jaclyn rose.

"You remember that, alright?" She turned back, putting a hand atop his.
"Come on." Her words dragged on quickly, refusing to wait for his response. If it ever was to come.

They stopped for a moment again, both of them admiring the colour that the other brought. An almost needed reminder each day that they were the only ones in this very plane of existence that seemed to have lived in a completely foreign world to everyone else.

Marcus found a quietening, peculiarly calming grayed-white that he could hold onto in her. And Chloe held onto the unpredictable, and almost hopeful, red-orange hue that he exuded.

Their eyes only met again for a moment.

Yet it only took a moment for them to realise they'd begun to become more than strangers, but still less than friends. Marcus smiled, that dimple on the side of his cheek still being very noticeable on some occasions. A smile that was enough to spell a means of thanks, without having to ever waste air on the words.

She turned quickly, allowing herself to leave as her face reddened. The same words that dragged on finally occurred to her. The same thoughts that came and went with every second they closed the gap with one another began to show itself to her, well after it'd been presented to the boy.

The Feurno followed behind her as swiftly he could, still adjusting to the seeming long nap having an effect on the flow of blood in his body. He rose up and shook the drugging sensation off, before turning a gaze to the veiling rock and the fire they'd made. But it was still disorienting, having to see the city of Clypeum in his leftward horizon; especially after having seen it so dead and darkened.

Again, he shook the thought of the voices, of the many names that he knew nothing of, off of his mind. Then, he caught a glimpse of the wyvern as Chloe began to pick up her pace. And his heart was pulled back to where it needed to be.

Marcus hurriedly walked on, latching the hilt back onto his waist as he moved across the burning pile of bark and branches. Jaclyn tended to Wynn, surprisingly holding onto him as gently and, almost, motherly as she could.

The girls immediately began to carefully carry over some of the fish they'd cooked over the fire and allowed Jaclyn to feed it to him. His aching pair of wings fell muddled all across her lap, his legs curled inward as the Glacies held onto him like a child.

Wynn's little groans and growls as his neck similarly curled inward as his head laid at rest on her chest. She shushed him, caressing his scales as she offered up the piece of cooked meat. And then she went with a few words once Chloe had risen to find her pack for water they could give him.

They were faint, but Marcus could definitely still make it out from the side as he allowed her to keep the dragon within her embrace.

"Thank you," She whispered to the little creature, tilting her head down toward him, "Wynn."

He could only smile again, even trying to force himself not to. But it was a precious moment that he wouldn't have had it gone any other way.

While the girls took to tending to the intelligent dragon's welfare, Marcus moved along and crouched down in front of Jaclyn and Wynn and cleared out any leaves and sticks that covered the dirt patch they found themselves on.

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