→ sk8 the infinity! - reki x langa

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sk8 the infinity - reki x langa | only ones who know

→ made by rui (loui)

Monday, 8:43 am



In a foreign place..

A saving grace,

Was a feeling...

Reki woke up to a bad dream, he woke up abruptly, sweating and shaking, breathing heavily.

He forgot what the dream was about.

It was a bad sign, and he knew that.

But even then, he chose to ignore it.

Turning his thoughts a different direction, he kisses his mom goodbye and heads out.

Skating his way to he and Langa’s usual place, he starts thinking about his best friend.

Not- not in that way, god no.

He started thinking about what he and Langa went through, for starters, their friendship was... pretty much sudden.

New guy transfers to school from Canada? Cool. Reki accidentally let go of his skateboard and it started rolling away? Damn. New guy catches the board? Sweet.

You become friends? Nice. He turns out to be a better skateboarder than you? Well...

If you told old Reki that he’d meet a guy as cool as Langa in the future, he would not believe you.

Reki wasn’t much of a popular guy, sure, he had friends, but not the kind of friends you would tell your secrets to, or laugh with, no offense to them.

But gladly, he met Langa. Even after the.. whole Adam thing, they got through the worst of it. Of course, Reki is still not as good as the others, and he’s aware of that, but not in the way he used to be.

He’s a good skater, he made himself believe.

He snaps out of his thoughts when he sees a familiar figure, standing at their usual place, with his strikingly beautiful blue hair, snow white skin and-

“Reki!” Langa waves at him, smiling. Reki almost tripped on a rock.

Head empty. Now engraving smile into brain.

Reki shakes his head. Shut it. He hisses to himself.

“Langa!” Reki says back, jumping off his board. They do their dap and started to skate to school.

Its a routine, wake up, do their dap, skate to school, get chased by guards for skating.

Its been like that since the day they met.

Reki hopes it would never change again.

And the fierce excitement, the eyes are bright

He couldn't wait to get away

And I bet that Juliet was just icing in the cake

Make no mistake, no.

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