Chapter 11

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Mia's POV:

We're in the car on the way to look at the house in Wiltshire, we're singing along to music, well more like me. I've turned on songs from musicals and Joe finds them way to cheesy and he doesn't know the words anyway so I'm belting out the words on my own.
"YOU CAN'T STOP THE BEAT!" I sing loudly, I'm playing You Can't Stop The Beat from Hairspray.
I dance to the song in my seat and Joe rolls his eyes.
"You listen to SUPER cheesy stuff." He laughs.
"This isn't cheesy it's just a good upbeat musical song!" I giggle.
"Alright, if you say so." Joe laughs.
"Okay Mr. Grumpy, I'll turn on something that's depressing!" I joke.
"Nooo, not depressing music!" Joe laughs.
"Well don't complain then!" I giggle, rolling my eyes at him.
We arrive in Wiltshire and we're twisting and turning through the little country roads and I realise how much I've missed the countryside.
"D'you know what?" I ask.
"What?" Joe replies.
"I have really missed this. I didn't realise. I miss the countryside lanes and cute cottages and most of all ThatcherJoe as in the Joe that thatched roofs." I giggle.
"Maybe if we move back here I'll start it again, I mean we have enough money coming from our YouTube channels but in a way I do miss being up on a roof, even on a rainy December early morning." Joe laughs.
"Yeah. I know what you mean, kinda." I reply.
We get to the little house we're looking at and there's a woman in car, the woman who will be showing us around.
We get of the and go over to her, she gets out of the car with a massive smile on her face, showing off her perfect white teeth. She holds out her hand and I shake it and so does Joe. She checks her clip board.
"Hey there, you must be Mr and Mrs. Sugg." She smiles.
I give Joe a smirk and I think he gets it. So many people call me 'Mia Sugg' however, it's a few months until I will be.
"Actually, we're not married yet. That's in a few months" I say showing my engagement ring, "I'm Mia Erndale for now."
"Oh right, sorry, my bad. Nice engagement ring" She winks, "let's get going then." She adds.
She leads us into the house and shows us around. When you go in there's a long hallway and the stairs are right in front of you at the end of the hall. There's a corridor to the right at the bottom of the stairs where there is a downstairs bathroom with a toilet and sink (obviously) and a shower but no bath. On the first corridor when you come in there is the living room and the spare bedroom on the right and the kitchen on the left. The kitchen is nice and big, it has very pale green walls. At the back of the kitchen there is a small conservatory which is cute. The conservatory has a door into the back garden. The back garden is big enough but not massive but that's okay. There's a small tree with a little swing which I find cute, there must have been kids living here before. There's a small baby blue bench at the back too.
The living room is cute, the walls are a off white-ish grey colour, and there is a little fireplace and a little part where the walls dips in in the corner where a TV could probably go.
The spare bedroom is downstairs next to living room. It's nice, quite small but room for a double bed and a small dressing table.
She takes us upstairs, there two parts to the stairs if you get what I mean.
It's two small sets of stairs basically.
At the top the room facing is a bedroom. There's a bathroom with a bath, sink and toilet at one end of the corridor and another bedroom at one end. Overall there are 3 bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom. The 2 spare bedrooms will be great if we ever have children.
When the woman has shown us around and taken us back to the front door she smiles.
"So what do you think?" She asks.
"It's great. I love it. How about you Joe?" I say.
"It's awesome, we'll take it I guess?" Joe questions.
"Yep, is that possible then?" I ask.
"Yep. Come to our offices next Friday at any kind of time and you can pay and we'll give you the key." She nods, she hands me a card with the number and address of the offices.
"Okay, that's great. Thanks very much." I exclaim.
"Cheers, see you." Joe adds.
"Bye!" we say in unison.
The woman smiles and gets in her car and drives off.
"I think we just found ourselves a great new home." I smile to Joe as we strap ourselves in the car ready to head home.
"Yeah! Looks great." Joe smiles.
He starts driving and I look over the him, studying his perfect face. He notices me staring at him and turns his head to me quickly.
"What's up?" He chuckles.
"Nothing, it's just...have I ever told you your perfect?" I giggle.
"Probably, I mean look at me.." He smirks, wiggling his eyebrows.
I laugh and mumble 'so big headed' jokingly, he gives me fake glare. I laugh.
We turn the radio on and sing along to the songs that come on.
"Love me like you do, la la love me like you do!" Joe sings and laugh.
"Touch me like you do, ta ta touch me like you dooo!" I join in.
We both burst into fits of laughter at our stupid attempts to sing.
We soon get back into Brighton.
I let out a long sigh when we pull up at the flat.
"What's wrong little one?" Joe asks grabbing my hand and walking to then flat. Awh, little one, how cute. That's what Alfie calls Zoe too.
"Nothing." I lie.
He raises his eyebrows at me and gives me 'really?' look.
"Emilia Erndale, I have known you for 16 years. I think I know when something is wrong." Joe says.
I head into our flat and take him to the living room, sitting on the sofa and patting the seat next to me. He sits down next me.
"I dunno but like..I'll be sad to leave here in a way, I'll miss this place and the seaside and the morning walks on the beach. I'll also miss Niomi, Marcus, Zoe and Alfie only being a walk away too. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excitd to be moving and getting a fresh start, I'll love the cute little house that's all ours in the cosy countryside but I'll miss the seaside and all the memories we have here too, even if most of the memories where crappy." I say, huffing.
Joe wraps an arm arond my waist, he lifts my hair back from my face and smiles at me. I can't help but smile back.
"I get what you mean M, I understand. I dunno what to do really. Are you sure you wanna move?" He asks.
"Yes 100%. Definitely. It's just one of those feelings, it'll wear off soon. I know that I really wanna go back to the Wiltshire countryside though." I smile.
"Good." Joe smiles.
He holds my head up and leans in. Jesus Joe don't do this. You're so perfect. His lips press against mine and I smile into the kiss. He pulls away and smiles.
"I love you." He whispers.
Super duper cheesy end but idk I like the cheesiness, it's cute to write!😂 Vote for this chapter if you ship Jia and are excited for the #JiaHouse<3
Lately I have been writing loads of chapters ahead, so I will try and update everyday or every other day.
Have a good day,

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelWhere stories live. Discover now