Chapter 17

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Mia's POV:

I wake up with a pounding headache, I am lying on the bathroom floor with Joe curled around me.
Urgh, I feel like crap.
If I'm here I have no idea where everyone else will be, probably passed out on the sofa or somewhere.
I feel disgusting, theres a faint taste of beer in my mouth and my hair is tangled and I'm still in my black disco pants and a white crop top.
I fall back down next to Joe and groan quietly, this is the worst hang over. I need to shower but Joe's in here and it'll wake him up. I should probably wake him up so he can sleep comfortably in our bed anyway.
I shake him lightly.
"Joe, wake up love." I whisper.
He opens his eyes and groans.
"Why are we in the bathroom?" He asks.
"No idea. Well I was sick in here after too much alcohol but god knows why you're in here." I giggle quietly.
"Oohhh." He groans and holds his head and I plant a gentle kiss on his nose.
"Poor thing. Anyway, I need a shower and you should probably go sleep somewhere comfortable like our bed, so I thought I would wake you up." I smile.
"Okay, thanks." He smiles weakly and I help him up and give him a hug.
"We both stink of beer." I chuckle.
He laughs and we go to our room where Chai and Lucy are crashed out together on the floor. I laugh under my breath.
"Just get in bed and get some extra sleep Joe, ignore those two!" I laugh slightly looking at a cuddled up Chai and Lucy.
Joe kisses me and then gets into bed and I head to for a shower. I wash my body and hair and then get out of the shower and put a towel dressing gown on. I dry my hair slightly with a towel and take my smudged makeup off.
I wash my face and do a good skincare routine then brush my teeth and I feel so much better.
I go into Joe and I's room and quietly pick out some black joggers and a comfy t-shirt and some underwear and take them to the bathroom and change and then put on some fluffy socks and head to the spare rooms.
Niomi and Marcus are in one spare room and Jim and Tanya are in another.
I walk downstairs and find Gabby on one couch, Lydia on the other, Oli in the arm chair and Caspar is also in the living room huddled up in a blanket on the floor. Louise is in the downstairs spare room I presume.
I smile at them all and head into the kitchen. I get a glass of water and take some paracetamol to help with the headache and then make myself a piece of toast with Jam and sit at the kitchen table.
The kitchen, living room and basically all downstairs are a mess. I really need to clean up when everyone leaves.
After breakfast I notice I have a missed call from Zoe on my phone, so I ring her.
Phone Call
Zoe answers the phone on the fourth ring.
"Yello?" She asks, sounding a bit tired and not so great.
"Hey Zo! Wassup? I saw your missed call. Soz, I was kinda passed out in the bathroom with Joe." I giggle.
"Jesus Mia, what the hell even happened last night?" She laughs.
"A lot. I have a huge hangover, urgh! Anyway enough about me. What's up?" I ask.
"I might be going into labour soon, I know I was due on the 17th but it'll probably happen soon so right now I'm in hospital." She explains.
"Awh Zo! Good luck if it happens soon. Keep me updated, hope it goes well." I say.
"Awh, thanks M! I will. I have to go so yeah, see ya. Good luck with your house full of hung over people." She chuckles slightly.
"Awh, haha. Good luck with the baby, you'll be fine Zo. Love ya, talk soon."
I say.
"Love ya too. Byeee!" She says and hangs up.
I head upstairs to see if Joe's woken up yet. He's awake and he's standing in his joggers and he's shirtless.
"Hey Joe." I smile and go up and wrap and arm around him.
Holy crap, how did I get so lucky.
"Sup?" He asks.
"Headacheeee." I complain.
"Aw yep, ditto." He says and wraps his arms around my neck whilst I put mine around his neck.
We kiss for a few seconds and I smile into it then pull away.
"Have you had a shower yet?" I ask.
"Yep." He says.
"Guess what?" I ask.
"What?" Joe smiles down at me.
"Zoe is in hospital and should be going into labour soon." I say.
"Really?" He asks.
"Yep." I smile.
"Aw, I hope it goes well for them. Alright, let's go wake up the others." Joe says.
We walk into Marcus and Niomi's room and wake them up and they groan. We laugh and wake up Tanya and Jim who are also really tired.
We head downstairs and Joe starts to make english breakfast for everyone.
"Have ever told you...that I love you more than anything." Joe asks.
"Yes, many times. And I love you more than anything too, soon to be husband." I grin.
"I can't believe we're getting married." He smiles.
"I know." I say, I grin up at him for a while and he just chuckles.
"My head hurts Joeee." I complain, pouting.
"Ow, my poor little chicken." He says, sympathetically.
"Chicken?" I giggle.
"Yes." He laughs and pulls me into a hug, my head resting on his bare chest.
"Have you had paracetamol?" He asks.
"Yep, it'll hopefully kick in soon. You should take some too babe, it'll help." I reply and he nods and continues to make breakfast.
I head to the living room and am about to watch some TV when I remember it'll wake Oli, Caspar, Gabby and Lydia up. I shrug, realising they need to be woken up soon anyway and turn the TV on they all groan at me and I laugh.
"Do I smell ENGLISH BREAKFAST?!" Caspar says, getting excited.
"Yes Caspar, you do. Joe is making it for breakfast." I laugh.
"Yay!" Caspar gets up and runs to the kitchen.
"Well he's a but hyper for a morning." I laugh, under my breath. "by the way Lydia, your sister is crashed out with Chai in Joe and I's room." I chuckle.
"Oh my god, Lucy! You're such an idiot!" She laughs, as if she can hear her.
I giggle and head back to the kitchen, I stop outside the door hearing Joe and Caspar talking.
"Joe, do ever think you'll break up with Mia?" Caspar asks.
"No. Never. She's a keeper." Joe says firmly.
"Cute." Caspar replies.
"Why?" Joe asks.
"Just wondering...I mean you two seem so head over heels in love with each other, it's adorable." Caspar says.
"Yep, we are." Joe chuckles, "but sometimes I worry because every time I see her I fall in love more and more and I just feel like if I fall in love anymore I won't be able to cope." Joe says.
That makes me super confused. It's cute but...what the hell does he mean?
"I get what you mean. I had that once, I broke up with her cause it got too much!" Caspar laughs.
"But I'm not breaking up with Mia. No way. I've already broken her heart once, she doesn't need it breaking again!" Joe says.
I love him.
After they stop talking, I wait a second then walk in.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Nothing. Just makin' breakfast." Joe smiles.
I walk up to Joe fling one arm around his waist.
"Love you." I whisper.
"Love you to" he smiles back.
"Ugh, too cheesy. I'll leave you little love couple to be cute together." Caspar groans and leaves the room.
"I heard that all by the way.." I say, quietly.
"You did?" Joe asks, worridly.
"Yes." I reply, simply.
"Do you hate me now?" Joe asks.
"No, of course not! Why would I? I love you more! Your super cute Joseph." I say and suddenly Niomi and Marcus burst in laughing.
"Woah, what's all the laughing about?" Joe asks.
Niomi gives me her phone and it's on a photo of me and Joe making out, oh.
"F*ck! Joe look!" I laugh, giving him the phone. He blushes slightly and laughs.
"Wait, look at this!" Marcus says giving us his phone.
I play the video and it's me and Joe dancing super stupidly last night, completely wasted.
"Oh my god guysssss!" I complain, smiling.
They laugh and leave the room.
"What the hell was that about?!" Joe laughs.
"Absolutely no idea!" I giggle.
Quite a boring chapter again, sorry. They will get interesting very soon bc Jia wedding stuff, woop woop!
Hope you guys are enjoying,

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