Transformation central

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"Hades, well isn't this a surprise." Dr. Facilier walks over. "I suddenly appear in this huge mansion, I walk around to see who brought me here and here I find the God of the underworld himself cuddling with his new little girlfriend."

Hades chuckled darkly as he appeared right in front of the Shadow Man now red with fire.

"Hades." Alona said scared as she gets off the bed and grips his robe as she looks up at the Shadow Man.

''Oh it's a child." Facilier said.

Hades cools down when he gets an idea. "Hey you're into that hoodoo stuff right?" Hades asked.

"Of course I am." Facilier grinned as he fixed the collar on his jacket.

"Think you can turn this kid back to looking like a kid?" Hades asked as he stepped to the side so Facilier can get a real look at Alona.

Facilier raised his eyebrow at her. "Dare I asked."

"She killed her family yesterday because they wouldn't stop operating on her." Hades explained.

"They were gonna hurt me again." Alona whimpered.

"Is that so." Facilier reached down and gently turned her head side to side. "How old are you?"

"She doesn't know." Hades told her. "Her parents didn't teach her anything except how to make the dough."

"So all this? This is hers?" Facilier asked.

"Yeah yeah you greedy top hat-wearing yutz." Hades rolled his eyes. "Can you undo the damage or not?"

"Of course I can, but why haven't you done that? You're a God." Facilier pointed out.

"This world is different than ours, I don't feel any sign of the Underworld of Olympus anywhere, also we already have a deal with this child. She lets us live here and we take care of her."

"Well then explain how a child can a make so much money."

"She's a singer." Hades said. "A good one at that, her voice is famous in this world, also her parents lied to the world telling them she's older and had to make her look the part."

The imps showed Facilier Alona's clothes which made him realize what Hades meant. "You mean..."

"Afraid so." Hades nodded. "I had to make this nightgown she's wearing not see-through last night."

"Is that so?" Facilier asked before grinning. "Well, then I think I have a way we can help each other."

"Do tell." Hades asked narrowing his eyes.

"If the child is worth what you said she is then I'll be handling her finances." Facilier suggested. "I'll take care of the bills around this place, I'll keep track of her record deals, and negotiate with the companies that pay for this pretty penny."

Hades didn't even think about the bills this place must get and it was one less thing for him to worry about. "Guess that's fair."

"But first I wanna see just how good this child is." Facilier said.

"Fine." Hades had Alona take them to the recording studio and sat her on top of the stool in front of the microphone. "Ok kiddo, just gotta impress Voodoo creep here and everything your old man did that hurt you will be boom, gone, bye bye, got it."

"Voodoo?" Alona asked.

"Yep, sing him a pretty song and he'll make you look the way you did before." Hades said before he walked out.

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