"You're Not Bullshit"

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Today was the last day of junior year. In mid August, you would be stepping into Hawkins High as a senior- and a lot has changed since then.

For one, you now know of the faceless creatures that lurk in the Upside Down. Their images float around your mind at night, reminding you to close your curtains shut so that shadowy figures won't play tricks on you. What does consistently come from your window, however, is the mischievous knock of Steve Harrington.

One day you were tutoring a few middle schoolers when you got dragged into this mess.

The boys you tutored were exceptionally smart- Dustin Henderson corrected you sometimes, but lacked every ounce of motivation. School just didn't interest them, but every single thing around them did. That's why you found yourself knocking on the Wheeler's door one day to have another session of "motivation" rather than a session of math.

But when you knocked on the door, you didn't see any of the Wheeler's, it was Dustin barging out the door muttering to himself.

"Hey Dust-" but the curly hair kid kept walking. "Um, okay thanks Dustin." He stops and turns to you. "Y/N, do you have a car?" There was layer of impatience in his tone.

"Hi to you too, and no. My car is in the shop, I biked here." He groans in frustration. "Son of a-" then he makes eye contact for the first time and shuts his mouth. "Do you-" and he is cut off again by a maroon car pulling up to the Wheeler house.

And you look up to see Steve Harrington carrying a bunch of roses muttering himself. "Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?" Dustin asks Steve. "No these are for Nancy." Dustin grabs the bouquet and gets into Steve's car. Then they started talking about a bat and nails, but you were over it.

Steve Harrington was a douchebag.

You and Steve were like parallel lines that would never ever cross each other.

He was a senior starring in every single party of your high school careers, while you enjoyed your three years of high school working in a bookstore downtown.

He was the captain of every sport Hawkins had to offer and you were diligently working towards the valedictorian title.

Your lines- Your lives should have never converged.

But it did when Dustin said, "Y/N get in. We're going to need all the help we can get."

And just like that, you were in the back of Steve Harrington's maroon BMW learning about a not so fictitious world.

You hear Steve's knocks over the hum of summer- cicadas, grasshoppers, birds. The house was empty, and clearly so by the lack of cars in your driveway, but Steve insists that this is the best way to enter.

You open the window and he climbs in. His usual cocky mood replaced with a sad smile. You caught a quick glimpse of his red eyes and pink nose before he looks away, pretending to be interested in your colorful bookshelf.

"Hey Steve, what's up?" You ask as you sit at the end of your bed. He's quiet for a few moments before he joins you. You can tell he's chewing the side of his cheek, fiddling with his fingers.

You've never seen him so sad.

You've seen him worried, terrified, pissed off, but this was a new look.

You were friends, after experiencing so much, that's what came to be. Did you want more? Maybe. Did he? Probably not, how could he after Nancy? That's what kept you from taking anything further. You finally liked having Steve Harrington in your life and you didn't want to ruin it by scaring him away.

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