"My Autograph Already?" Part 1

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Sorry guys, this one is really long, so I'm breaking it into two parts. Enjoy:))

"You want a piece on Steve Harrington," you repeat.

"Yes, think about it Y/N. It'll be like a Teen Beat segment, but Hawkins edition." Jared says, his blue eyes taking up all the space in his huge glasses.

"But, it won't be trashy like Teen Beat," Sarah adds, "because you'll be writing it."

Sarah and Jared cautiously hover you, but you roll your eyes and continue to put up files. Things needed to be tidied up at the 'The Weekly Streak' newsroom before school starts.

"Guys, I'm not writing anything about Steve. It's amateur writing, and if I write it, I'll come off as an obsessed kiss-ass fangirl," you huff, "his ego is already so fucking huge."

Sarah holds the files in your hands, forcing you to stop. "Y/N, come on. We want you to do the piece because you won't write a kiss-ass fangirl piece about him." Her words were firm.

"Yeah Y/N, people are obsessed with pretending like they know their celebrity-" Jared starts, but you cut him off, "Steve a celebrity? Oh god," you dismiss and move to the next cabinet. Jared persists, "People want to be friends with Mr. Popular, and this article will make them feel that way."

Sarah and Jared look at you with pleading eyes.


They erupt in applause.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Y/N, this is going to be great, I know you'll do an amazing job." Sarah smiles and hugs you, but all you can do is nod into her shoulder.

Jared hands you a few documents. "Have it in by Sunday night, we want it to print by Monday. Try to get the basketball game tomorrow, and some socialite thing."

Again, you were speechless. Taking the papers and stuffing it into your bag, you walked out of the newsroom and to your next class. You had to figure out how to spend the next 4 days with someone you haven't spoken to since you were 12.


It was the end of the day, and you decided that you would catch Steve after his basketball practice. That's why you sat in the bleachers watching the Hawkins High Tigers scrimmage.

Shirts vs skins.

No, not a big deal. You do this all the time at games when you take notes for sports highlights. But instead of being in a sea of spectators chanting and booing, you sit on your own.

Painfully and obviously alone.

To make yourself seem and feel less awkward, you write down observations from practice.

Billy Hargrove was new, and he was doing pretty well. He reads the game and executes his plan pretty fast. But he doesn't see the rest of the court. He misses out on those last minute shots by not passing it to his teammates.

Steve was kinda getting his ass kicked now.

Steve is a great player, he always has been. He moves quick, he sees the court as it is, but he can get really jittery. He must know when he gets sucked in because that's when he starts passing it to someone else to finish the job right.

So yeah, you know how to write about basketball.

The whistle finally blows and the sweaty players walk towards the locker rooms.

"Y/N!" Coach says from the bottom of the bleachers. You smile and meet him below. "Hey, Coach. Team looks good for tomorrow." You say politely.

"Oh, come on Y/N, don't sugarcoat it." He says.

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