iii. nothing

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tw. panic attacks. please take care of yourself! love you all! xoxo.

 please take care of yourself! love you all! xoxo

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Nothing at all.

That's what Dove felt.

As she stood in the center of the room, staring at the two open coffins side by side, Dove felt nothing. It wasn't like she didn't care, or that it didn't affect her. It's rather that, she felt like she wasn't even there. She knows she was there, but nothing felt real.

There were many wizards and witches Dove did not recognize but they seemed to know her sister from work. They spoke Tori's courage, and the fiery attuidute she kept despite the risks at her own job. Students who had shared classes with her spoke of her intelligence and wittiness in class. Her ability to make anyone laugh.

The worst part for Dove was the people she knew.

Hermione Granger had her arm locked with Ron Weasley. Both of them were crying, Ron facing the worse of it. His entire body shook as he tried to hold back any extra tears. Harry Potter stood with them, trying to comfort the distraught Ginny Weasley, who sobbed into his shoulder. Harry, however, seemed on the verge of tears himself.

Professor McGonagall stood with a gentle hand on Mrs. Weasley, both of them with tears running down their faces. Mr. Weasley appeared next to both of them, pale as ever as he exchanged whispers with three Weasleys. Dove didn't recognize two of the ginger men, however, Percy Weasley stood with his brothers, his eyes empty.

Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet had both done seperate readings for Fred and Tori. Both had many kind words to say about the couple. Lee Jordan broke down during his turn and had to be helped away from the podium.

The worse of it, was the sorry looks upon people's faces. The condolences they gave Dove.

"Tori was incredible... I'm so sorry."

"If theres anything you need, please reach out."

"They were honestly the reason any of us enjoyed Potions."

"How are you feeling?"

"Did you know Tori once-"

"They were so-"

"I can't believe-"

Dove couldn't take it. Her world was spinning.

"Pardon me..." She whispered to the witch from the minsitry that she was speaking to. She burst out the doors of the room, immediately stopping at a table located in front of a mirror. Her breathing was inconsistent and heavy. Her entire body shook as her head pounded and she shut her eyes tightly, praying it would go away. Hot tears stung her eyes and she began to feel her throat close up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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