i. through the eyes of dove

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The Silvers children grew up rather close

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The Silvers children grew up rather close. Of course, there was the occasional arguments and the pulling of hair, but they always solved things out. It was them against the world.

Avalon Silvers was the eldest of the three. He was always told by his parents it was his job to protect his sisters and the family name. He always found it odd because there was no one to protect him.

Many knew the name, Victoria Silvers. Tori, as many called her, had a bit of a tricky situation. She had left a crack in her family's name when she had left them for blood traitors.

Dove Silvers was the last of the Silvers children, and quite frankly, she felt she was the last for everything. She was last to go to Hogwarts, last to find out about her sister's true sorting, last to be noticed by anyone.

When Avalon Silvers went to Hogwarts, Victoria and Dove grew closer. They were constantly together, almost like twins despite the fact they were two years apart. Dove and Tori would keep each other company while their parents holding their "very important meetings" down in the dining room. Neither of them were old enough to understand what was truly going on.

Dove could remember one night there was a bad storm during one of these meetings. The trees knocked against the windows, creating scrapping sounds and images that resembled monsters when lightning flashed through the sky. Dove, who was eight at the time, was supposed to be in bed. She tried her hardest to shut her eyes but the noise made it unbearable.

A loud book of thunder caused Dove to jump up in fear as it shook through the house. She immediately dashed out of her bed and down the hall towards the stairwell where she planned to go fetch her mother. But the sound of voices filled the house as Dove came closer and closer towards the railing and she realized her father's meeting was still going on.

Lighting from outside flashed through the dark houses lighting up untouched corners. Dove glanced back down the hallway, her sister's room coming into view. She silently opened her sister's door and peeked inside.

Victoria was sound asleep during this whole thing. Their mother always used to say Victoria could sleep through anything. However, Dove did not want her to sleep through this.

"Victoria!" Dove whispered. "Victoria!" She put a hand on her shoulder and began to shake. "Victoria! I'm scared! Vic-tori-a!" Dove shook her sister awake roughly.

"Wha-What. What?" Victoria asked groggily as she rubbed her eyelids. She sat upwards, blinking a few times. Victoria took one glance at Dove before looking back outside and then pulled her blanket down. Dove crawled inside the bed as thunder struck once more. She flinched.

"Don't worry," Victoria said through a yawn. "It's just thunder. I won't let anything hurt you."

But everything changed when Victoria turned eleven. She, like her brother, also left for Hogwarts. Dove waited for weeks for a letter from her older sister. She didn't notice the way her parents whispered as she'd wait by the windowsill waiting for a barn owl to fly by.

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