ii. the storm

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The house illuminated as the streaks of lightning danced across the sky, followed by loud booms of thunder

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The house illuminated as the streaks of lightning danced across the sky, followed by loud booms of thunder.

The loudest boom yet could have been blamed for waking eighteen year old Dove Silvers up from her sleep. But she was not scared of thunderstorms. At least not anymore.

There was another reason her heart pounded violently as she was drenched with sweat. She put her trembling hands upon her face, murmuring to herself whatever she could to make her calm down.

She couldn't close her eyes. If she did, she'd see the fallen corridors, the people lying in the Great Hall, her sisters body...

Dove shook her head, grabbing her wand on the bedside table next to her. With once simple flick the lights in her room went on, hiding the darkness.

She glanced at the clock, sighing. Today was the day. The day she'd been dreading.

Dove got out of bed, her feet hitting the ground below her. She held her wand out for light and began her journey down the halls of Silvers Manor.

The house had always been dark and dull. That was no secret. It was even darker on a day like this. Dove tiptoed down the stairwell of the manor, mentally counting each step so she would know which one creaked and which one didn't. This wasn't exactly her first time leaving her room in the deep hours of the night.

Another crack of lighting shined through the house, lighting the way for Dove as she finished her decent to the bottom floor. She could still hear the rain bang against the windows and the wind holler.

Dove stood for a moment, her gaze fixated on a window as the rain appeared to hit it harder and harder, almost testing to see if the glass would crack.

"Still awake?" A voice asked. Dove turned towards the living room, snapping away her thoughts. Her Nana sat in one of the chairs with a book in her hand and a candle besides her. She had moved in a week after the events at Hogwarts because Dove needed help taking care of her mother. Dove merely shrugged, wiping her brow.

"Couldn't sleep."

"I see... Would you like me to make you something to eat?"

"No. I'm not hungry."

Her Nana didn't fight her. The whole house knew what kind of day this was. Well, those in it.

Dove's father was in Azkaban. His trial had been the week before. He was found guilty on many charges. The main one being allying You-Know-Who. Dove was still not used to the idea of being able to speak his name freely. It still sent shivers down her spine.

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