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'𝘉𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘈 𝘋𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯'

'𝘉𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘈 𝘋𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯'

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your katana's were now both at your sides and you were happily chatting.

you pause, feeling oddly empty.

you go to scratch your neck, only to notice the missing fabric over your shoulders.

you sigh, turning to mitsuri.

"hey, mitsuri. i forgot my cloak, i'll go back and get it. don't wait for me"

she blinks, "oh, okay, then. i'll see you sometime soon, i hope!"

you both wave at each other.

you walk back, shaking your head at yourself,

man, i'm an idiot

but truthfully, that wasn't the only reason you went back.

you could feel your feathers fluffing up, and they only did that when you were either embarrassed, or danger was near.

and you certainly weren't embarrassed right now.

you bite the inside of your cheek, closing your eyes for a moment and seeing if you can sense anything.

you frown,

a demon.. no, two demons. there are two demons here

you open your eyes again,

off i go

but you look up, eyes catching tanjiro being dragged up in the sky by a demon with wings.

your eye twitches.

you fly up yourself, zooming over.

you make it there right as the demon drops tanjiro.

you grab him by the back of the uniform, holding him on your back.

you huff at the demon, facing him.

"you shithead copycat! what's your deal? throwing some random boy around like that?"

the demon looked a bit taken aback,

two demons with the demon slayer corps? hold on.. this girl has no demonic prescense. she's.. not a demon?!

you scoff, "hey! answer me, shithead! and who told you you could just copy me like that, huh?! wings are my thing! besides, they look ugly on you anyway"

the demon gasps, "excuse me?! my wings are very elegant and way cooler than yours!"

you cross your arms "uh-uh! no way! my wings are way better. yours are a boring brown and mine are an awesome red!"

the demon huffs, "well you're ugly!"

your mouth goes agape, "excuse me? have you seen yourself!? you have bird legs and hands! only ugly losers have bird legs and hands! you know what would make you cool? a bird head! my friend has that and he's totally cool!"

the demon frowns, "hey, i'm totally cool!"


the demon huffs, swooping down and stealing tanjiro from your back.

"you shithead!! give him back!" you shout, flying down after them.

"no, [name]! help nezuko and genya! i'll be fine!"

you look over at tanjiro, "fine, but don't die!"

you look over at tanjiro, "fine, but don't die!"

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words ; 487

date posted ; 11/06/22


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