Chapter 12

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At 11:30, the originally dark villa becomes brightly lit. The door opens from inside, and Qiao Chi walks out holding the little girl, followed by Xia Mianmian and Gao Cheng.

Song Yiyu looks up and sees her walking in the middle. The two lock eyes from a distance.

After all the staff has greeted them, Song Yiyu also wants to go up to Qiao Chi and see if she is injured. He takes just a few steps before he sees Qiao Chi shaking her head slightly at him.

Hah...Well, he is just a shameless, secret lover that can't be seen after all.

Song Yiyu turns around and walks in the opposite direction for a while. He then stands next to a tree to hide his presence, waiting for his lover to come to him.

Concerned about Song Yiyu, Qiao Chi declines the dinner invite and quickly gets away from the director and the staff of the program. She quickly walks towards Song Yiyu, who's standing on the edge of a tree. He's about to call her name, but she makes a hushed gesture.

When she gets to him, she frowns and asks, "Didn't we agree that you would stay in the car?"

Squatting down, he says, aggrieved: "The car is too boring."

Looking like a small kid being bullied, he continues: "You and Gao Cheng were so intimate with each other. I could feel my heart breaking!"

When did she and Gao Cheng act intimate?!

While she thinks about her performance in the villa just now, he kindly reminds: "You touched his mouth."

She then remembers that at that time, she was afraid that she would not be able to stop him from blowing out the candles, so as a reflex, she covered his mouth.

She didn't touch his mouth!

It's just like him to actually distort the facts!

When Qiao Chi looks at him, he snorts: "You were still entangled with him! I saw it clearly in the live broadcast."

She's about to defend herself when she hears a couple of staff walking toward them, not too far away. This is obviously not a good place for conversation.

"Let's go back to the car first."

Qiao Chi walks toward their company's car. After taking a few steps, she finds that Song Yiyu isn't following her. She turns her head and looks at him strangely: "Why aren't you coming?"

He tilts his head, looking at the staff who aren't too far away. No one is caring about them, and their spot is extremely dim. He then says, "My soul is hurt."

She stops and looks at him.

"I think you should make it up to me." He says again.

"What do you want me to do?" Qiao Chi becomes a little helpless. If this guy recovers his memory later on and remembers how spoiled he's acted publicly in front of others, wouldn't he get so angry that he might catch her just to feed her to the sharks?

Thinking about it, she realizes that she can't win either way. There is still some time left before his memory is restored. She'll find a way out for herself in advance before then.

Even though she might be able to avoid being persecuted by the boss because the female lead seems to have forgotten the fact that the original host had bullied her from before, and their relationship is currently harmonious, after the boss recovers his memory and knows that he was deceived and led round in circle by her, she might just die in a more brutal way.

"Give me a kiss." His cunning eyes are filled with hope.

She's immediately startled by his words and tilts her head.

Kiss him?

No, she must not want to live long if she does that!

"No, wait until you recover your memory."

Qiao Chi turns around and ignores him.

Feeling deflated, he finally follows behind her.

After getting into the car, she takes out her phone from her bag and sends a message to Luo Xue as she waits for him to get in the car.

Luo Xue's reply doesn't come until Song Yiyu gets in. He fastens his seat belt silently and never looks at her during the whole process. However, Qiao Chi's too busy looking down at her phone to notice that something's wrong with him.

While he sulks and is about to start the car, someone knocks on the window of the passenger side. Qiao Chi raises her head and rolls down the window. Standing outside are Gao Cheng and Xia Mianmian.

Xia Mianmian puts her hand through the window with a smile and raises the phone in her left hand: "Let's add WeChat, Qiao Chi."

Qiao Chi turns her head and glances at his Song Yiyu. Without changing her expression, she clicks on the WeChat QR code and lets Xia Mianmian scan it. After she scans it, Qiao Chi is about to take her phone back when Xia Mianmian quickly stops her and says, "There is still my brother!"

She turns and grabs Gao Cheng's phone. "Didn't my brother promise you to do something for you? You can add his WeChat to stay in touch."

"Actually, I..."

"You are not allowed to say that you were just talking casually." Xia Mianmian interrupts her to fix the mood between Gao Cheng and Qiao Chi. She then bends down and continues: "My brother had promised in front of so many people..."

Xia Mianmian suddenly meets Song Yiyu's emotionless eyes, who may possibly be Qiao Chi's boyfriend or husband sitting in the driver's seat. She can't believe she actually wanted to set her cousin and Qiao Chi up!

Feeling a bit guilty, she shuts up. She then straightens herself and returns the phone to Gao Cheng, still pretending to be carefree: "If you get a chance later, come out and have a meal with us."

Qiao Chi nods belatedly and accepts her offer. She then looks at Gao Cheng, and then waves to them both: "Then I'll go first. Contact me on WeChat if something happens."

"Goodbye." Gao Cheng bends down slightly and waves to Qiao Chi.

Song Yiyu can clearly see Gao Cheng's appearance so he disdainfully raises his nose at him. He then shifts the gear and steps on the accelerator. The car steadily hits the road.

He stops in front of a red light, which takes a bit long to change its light. Song Yiyu turns his head and is about to talk to Qiao Chi when he sees that she has fallen asleep in her seat. With her eyes closed, the dim light outside shone in and cast a small shadow on her face.

Her head slowly rolls from side to side. Seeing that her head is about to roll off her chair, Song Yiyu stretches out his hand and rests her face in his palm. He cautiously repositions her head against the back of the chair and caresses her face with his fingers.

Song Yiyu quietly stares at her.

He wants to tell her that he doesn't like Gao Cheng being close to her, that he wants her to be farther away from Gao Cheng, that she belongs to him, and to declare to the outside world that she is already accounted for.

(T/N: the literal translation was master and that didn't rub me the right way so I changed to be accounted for, meaning she already has a boyfriend.)

Song Yiyu's eyes gradually became sharp. He feels that his current thinking is a little abnormal, but he also feels that he, who possesses such domineering thoughts, is his true self.

He then touches her cheek with his fingers. He must have made the spot slightly itchy because Qiao Chi subconsciously dodges it in her sleep by turning her face to the other side. Frowning, he moves her head back toward him.

Unfastened his seat belt, he leans his upper body slightly in her direction and covers her forehead with his lips.

He feels more calmness in his heart after the kiss. He raises his head and sees that the red light has roughly ten seconds left. After thinking about it, he leans forward and kisses her again before settling back into his seat and fastening his seat belt.

What he doesn't notice is that Qiao Chi's hands clench quietly near her legs.

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