Chapter 17

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Aurora sank down by her tree, and she heaved out. Would she be in trouble with the way she had left prince Caspian?

She did not care about all that and would deal with it later, she had just kissed him so why did she feel so down and sad.

Aurora knew why, but thinking out the answer only solidified it, she wanted what she could not have. How lovely it was to be Nadia.

She remembered this morning when she had seen the other maid scurry out of his room and she proceeded to kiss him.

How humiliating it was, she had degraded herself for his looks and the way he made her feel. Was this all because it was the first time she was receiving attention from a male.

"Not surprised finding you seating here."

"Are you stalking me, Elliot?"

Elliot laughed, as he sat beside her, "Maybe I am."

Aurora nodded, "I have to say you are doing a great job at it then."

"Well thank you Aurora, practice makes perfect."

Aurora giggled,

"Finally I got to make you smile."

"Huh?" Aurora asked confused.

"You seemed to be in a gloomy mood and deep in thought," Elliot replied.


"You can tell me anything if you want."

"One of those days where I can't catch a break."

"I feel you, is it because of Caspian?"

Aurora was a bit surprised when he bought up his name, "What makes you think that?"

"I saw you earlier today so I would not be surprised if he made you upset."

Aurora sighed, "No, it's not that. It's just me. I need to figure out a few things."

Elliot nodded, "Well I will be quiet as I keep you company."

Aurora nodded, and the breeze was refreshing, when dinner time arrived she was a hint late. She went to the front and requested her food in a bag.

When it was dished up she headed out the door, she knew her friends had seen her. She got on her bicycle and made her way to her place.

When she got there, she lit the candle and ate her dinner in silence. When she was done Aurora blew out the candle and climbed into bed.

Her heart felt very heavy, she had to remind herself that she was just a maid and that will all she would ever be.

The next morning she went in for breakfast and got her food, and headed to her tree and ate there. When she was done, she made her way to Caspian's chambers and he was there putting on a shirt.

"Morning My Lord." Her head was bowed and she did not make eye contact.

"Morning Aurora," she could feel that he was teasing her through his tone.

Aurora did not say anymore as she proceeded to clean,

"It's a mess in here."

"Nothing that I can't handle My Lord."

Aurora carried on cleaning and hoped he had gotten the hint that she did not want to talk to him any further or get any closer.

Caspian left the room and finished cleaning, and went to her tree. The wind and sky were surreal.

Lunchtime came and she headed to the kitchen, she got her food and knew she could not avoid her friends forever.

She had made up her mind that she was going to be back to her usual self. When she sat down they all were staring at her.

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