Chapter 47

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Aurora woke up the next morning and when she turned, Caspian was not there she started to feel sad,

"I'm here."

Aurora turned and saw that he had scrolls, "Oh..."

"I decided to do my work in here, I hope you don't mind."

"I don't." she blushed at how quickly she had answered his question. She leaned back and watched him work, she was enamored with him.

"Do I look that great?" Caspian asked her with a bit of humor in his voice,

"Yes, you do."

Caspian looked at her then and raised an eyebrow, "Do I."

She nodded happily,

"Stop distracting me, I don't want to stop my work to lay with you."

"Of course." She winked at him.

He grinned, "I love this side of you."

"Why thank you."

She leaned back,

"Aurora, Aurora wake up."

She opened her eyes to see Caspian seated next, "I was getting worried that you have been sleeping for so long. You need to eat."

"What time is it?"

"It's past noon."

Aurora watched Caspian as he took a bowl from the table next to him. When she reached for it from him he withdrew it from her, "No I will feed you."

Aurora was surprised and she wanted to burst out laughing, "Thank you but I can eat on my own."

Caspian pouted and she burst out laughing, "Fine you can if you really want to."

She could see that he was excited at her agreeing to let him feed her, if people saw him like this they would not believe her.

"Are you really that happy?"

"I told you Aurora, I want to make up for everything that we missed out on when we were apart."

She understood what he meant as life would still not be enough for them, "I love that."

She saw Caspian smile with adoration, and he fed her till the last spoonful.

"I have to go I will be back tonight," Caspian said and she could see he was feeling wretched about leaving her.

"I understand." And she really meant it, as long as she had his heart she couldn't stop him from his destiny.

When he left she immediately called Eleanor and she came instantly, "Yes My Lady."

"I need to take a bath."

"I will tell them to prepare it for you."

"Thank you, Eleanor."

When the bath was ready she sat in the water soaking herself, she smiled at the thought of Caspian coming later.

She was really grinning like a five-year-old that is promised candy, but Caspian was like her candy. Nothing mattered anymore, as long as she could have him by her side as long as he would like was all that mattered.

She prayed that he would not get tired of her, if that day came she would be heart broken, but she had to push out such thoughts from her mind.

That day hadn't come and she would take it one day at a time. She finished bathing and went back to her chambers.

Eleanor helped her get dressed into a fresh nightgown as she hadn't recovered fully and needed to rest some more.

She woke up to someone stroking her hair, and it was Caspian.

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