Chapter 67

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Caspian turned and Nadia stood there, "I thought you had retired to your chambers."

"I was waiting for you."

"Is there something worrying you?"

"I have been meaning to have a chat about a few things on my mind," Nadia replied.

"Of course."

"Can we do this at your chambers?"

"I would rather we go to your chambers."

Nadia seemed to be overjoyed with his suggestion, "I will lead the way then."

They walked in her chambers and he saw that it was different but he really would not know as he spent most of the time at his chambers or at Aurora's.

He sat by the table, and she sat too, "I know we haven't had much time to ourselves as you have urgent matters to attend to as the king but I was hoping we could bond again."

Caspian was too tired for all this, why could they not discuss it in the morning?

"How so?"

"We can select activities that we love and we share them with each other," Nadia replied.

"That's a sound plan."

"Do you have any suggestions?" Caspian could see that she was hopeful, did she think he would forget Aurora or how they had made her last days at the palace a living hell?

"I will have to give some thought to it."

Nadia took Caspian's hands, "We can do it together, if you're having a rough day, just know that I am here for you and I am willing to listen to anything that is on your mind and I will do the same."

"We can try that."

"I loved the idea that my mother gave about us naming our children after them, that way their legacy can go on and our children can grow into their names," Nadia replied.

Caspian was tired of hearing that, why did they all throw it at him as if it was a great idea, no-one had consulted him but they all assumed he would love it.

They did not have to worry about being named after his and Nadia's children as that would not be happening.

"Don't you agree Caspian?"

"I do, it's a wonderful idea and has great meaning."

"I knew you would love it," Nadia replied.

"How could I not?"

"How many children do you want us to have?"

"As many as we can get."

Nadia laughed, "Hopefully most of them would be from me."

"I hope so too."

"It would be wonderful for us to watch them grow, and as we teach them as they go."

"They would have the best of everything."

"I love how we are connecting, it's up to us to decide how we want to live. From the beginning, I have always known that I was meant to be your wife. For me, I had many suitors sent my way but none of them sparked my interest, and most of them were afraid to even look me in the eye or let alone speak to me without stuttering. They were a bore and I did not feel anything for them, even my parents were wary of me and thought I would not get married with the way my meetings were going. When it was time to come and see you, I thought it would be the same, but you did not seem the least nervous or intimidated by me nor did you flatter me unnecessarily as all my other suitors had. I knew then and there that I wanted you to be my husband and that is when we had our first kiss."

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