Chapter 4

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After showering, Lisa sat down on her bed. Noticing the weight on her neck, she touched the object hanging from her neck. It was a necklace that Young Jun gave to her on their anniversary.

"what a jerk..."

"out of everything you could've done, you cheated..."

Her tears fell before she could try to stop them, she yanks the necklace off of her neck and threw it somewhere in the room. Lisa wanted to understand why Young Jun, her long time boyfriend, would do that to her... Was she not enough?...


After coming out of a very nice hot bath and getting ready for bed, Jungkook found himself wondering about a certain blonde once he settled in under the duvet. "I wonder if she's okay..." he stared at his ceiling for a moment before he caught himself.

"Wait, what the hell am I thinking? Why would I care about her??" He scoffed in disbelief, as if he really could not believe what he just said. "You've gone mad Jeon Jungkook.." he mumbled to himself and close his eyes, willing himself to sleep.


*7am in the morning*

Ji Hun walks into the dining room, only to be met with emptiness until Lee Ju Yeon walks in with a plate of pancakes, "Ju Yeon noona, where's my sister? Have she already left for school?" The 16 year old asks.

"Miss Lisa is still sleeping.."

He furrows his eyebrows, "She's still sleeping??" Ju Yeon nods, confirming the fact. 

"That's weird.. She's always an early bird..." He mumbles to himself before running up the stairs to check on his sister.

He knocks a few times but when he did not hear any response, he decided to go in. Jihun shakes Lisa softly. "Noona" He paused, waiting for her to wake up but seeing how his sister was still asleep, he called again, "Noona, it's already 7am. Are you not going to school?"

She started to stir, but did not make any effort to get up and out of bed. "Jihun-ah, I'm sorry but can you go to school yourself? I'm not going to school today." She says groggily, not even bothering to open her eyes.

"Are you not feeling well? Do you want me to stay home to take care of you?" The boy asks his sister worriedly while placing the back of his hand on her forehead to see if she has a fever.

"Yeah... I'm not feeling very well, and no, I can take care of myself so don't worry about me and get going. You're going to be late." 

"Ohh okay then, I'll ask Ju Yeon noona to make some porridge for you. I'll go now, see you later noona." He says before pulling the duvet all the way up to Lisa's chin  so as to make sure she's not cold.

Once the door clicks shut, Lisa couldn't help but smile to herself. "Such a sweet boy" 


The 16 year old decided to call his bestfriend while walking down the stairs to the back door. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hello? Chanyoung-ah"

"Hey Jihun! Are you on your way to school now?"

"I'm heading out of my house. Lisa noona isn't feeling well so she's unable to send me to school."

"Oh really? That's sad.."

 "My sis isn't going to send me to school too, so my driver is going to drive me to school instead. I can ask Mr Kim to pick you up on the way?"

"Really?? Thanks a lot, and please come quickly. You know I don't like waiting"

"Okay, okay, geez"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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