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The Sehgal house is decorated beautifully today. Of course it will be decorated because today is the fifth birthday of the little angel in Sehgal house. The guest start arriving in the house.

Sumitra: Welcome! Welcome. Please have a seat.

Guest1 : The house is beautifully decorated today.

Andy: Of course. Our son has made sure there is no error or left out in decoration and everything else. Please have a drink and enjoy yourself.

Sumitra: By the way, where are our son and daughter-in-law? And where is our little angel? Is she sleeping till now?

" Grannnnyyyyyy!!!! " A little voice is heard shouting from above the stairs making everyone look at her. A cute angel in beautiful pink gown is running down the stairs. And beside her is her mother trying to stop her. Yes... Its Bela and her sweet little (and naughty) daughter, Pari.

Bela: Pari... You will fall down. Please don't run.

Pari safely goes downstairs but while trying to ensure Pari's safety, Bela steps on her own saree and is about to fall down when a pair of hands hold her and pull her into her arms. Everyone relax seeing Bela safe. Bela slowly opens her eyes to find her husband smiling at her.

 Bela slowly opens her eyes to find her husband smiling at her

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Bela: Thank God Mahirji. You held me in right time or else ...

Mahir: I am always there for you. Don't worry.

He helps her stand up and both walk downstairs. Bela picks Pari in her arms and glares at her.

Bela: Pari! I told you not to run like that on stairs, right?

Pari (imitating Bela) : I told you not to run like that on stairs, right?

Bela: PARII!!!

Pari (imitating again) : PARII!!!

Bela: You...!!!

Before Bela can say anything further, Mahir takes Pari from Bela's hands and says, " No scolding Pari today. Its her birthday right? Today is my princess's day... So no scolding. "

Immediately Pari hugs Mahir and kisses him on cheek and says " I Love you papa!! "

Bela: Mahirji... She is spoilt because of you only ...

Mahir: Guests are there... Let my scolding session be later. But first look at you. Your saree has so much stains. What happened?

Bela: This Pari is becoming naughty day by day. I was getting ready when she came with a mug full of shampoo water and threw it on me saying this saree isn't good. She is just like her.... I mean she ....

Bela starts to stammer seeing which Mahir understands what she was about to say. But then Mahir hands Pari over to Sumitra and says, " Maa... Take care of her while I will help Bela get ready. "

Sumitra nods ok and then Behir silently go to their room. Bela sits on bed and lowers her head unable to meet the eyes of Mahir. Mahir sits beside her and puts his hand on her shoulder. The very next moment, Bela hugs him and bursts into tears.

Mahir: Its ok Bela. I understand. You need not say anything.

Bela: How can you be so good, Mahirji? I mean... We are married and it has been almost 6 years and you....

Mahir: I told you Bela. There is no need of explanation. I understand your feelings. I have no expectations from you. The very thought that I am father of our beautiful daughter is enough for me. All I want to say is... She is growing up. At least now you should start trying not to use few lines. Please Bela.

Bela: I know Mahir. I am sorry. I will change and come.

Mahir: Ok. Take your time. There isn't any hurry. But compose yourself.

Bela nods ok and goes to the cupboard. She picks up another saree and goes to change. Mahir goes downstairs near Sumitra. Sumitra sends Pari to play with other children and asks Mahir.

Sumitra: Mahir, is she ok?

Mahir: Yeah. Now she is a bit fine.

Sumitra: What about you?

Mahir: I am fine, Mom. There isn't anything wrong with me. I am fine.

Mahir excuses himself and goes to meet the guests while Sumitra thinks, " A child can hardly hide anything from their parents. I know how much it is breaking you from inside. "

Bela gets ready and as she walks downstairs, Mahir adores her beauty and isn't able to take his eyes off her.

Bela gets ready and as she walks downstairs, Mahir adores her beauty and isn't able to take his eyes off her

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Pari: Papa! Mama is looking beautiful, na?

Mahir smiles and picks Pari in his arms.

Mahir: Yes, she is the most beautiful girl in this world... After you.

Pari: Aww... Thank you papa.

To be continued...

Hello guys. This is the first episode of Love-Ship. How is it? Loved it? Please share your views in comments. And don't forget to VOTE!!


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