What have you done?

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Clearsight narrowed her eyes as Darkstalker wrapped his wing around Fathom's shoulder. Why was the SeaWing using his magic? Yes, she was shocked that Indigo had broken the goblet. And yes, Clearsight thought it was okay for Fathom to loosen up a bit with his magic. 

But this sudden change of attitude about magic made Clearsight worry. A lot.

Fathom had always been cautious about this kind of thing, reluctant to use his magic and always getting panic attacks about going evil. 

So what was going on?

Clearsight slipped her bracelet off on her talon--the one that blocked mind reading--and glared angrily at Darkstalker. What have you done?

Darkstalker sighed very softly, barely an exhale, and rolled his eyes. Fathom looked between the two then trotted towards the balcony, leaving them alone. 

Clearsight, I don't know what you think I did, but--

Oh, you don't? thought Clearsight back. Really. Well, to make it crystal clear, I think you enchanted that goblet. Do you deny it?

Yes, I do! insisted Darkstalker indignantly. He had recently cast a spell that allowed them to communicate mentally, but only if Clearsight removed her bracelet first. That way, she had control over the conversation and didn't feel trapped. I deny it. Check the scroll later if you don't believe me.

I suppose I do believe you, admitted Clearsight. It's hard to imagine you bewitching Fathom. But I will check the scroll, to be safe.

Clearsight fastened the bracelet around her wrist again as Fathom trotted into the room with his head down. "You okay, Fathom?" asked Darkstalker kindly. The SeaWing nodded sullenly.

"Yeah, I'm... okay," he said, mustering a small smile. "Indigo left. I think she's mad at me for using my magic."

"She left?" gasped Clearsight.

"She left to ask Queen Vigilance for her own room," explained Fathom. A strange look crossed his face, and he added coldly, "It's alright with me. I can't believe she tried to break my goblet."

"I have an idea," interjected Darkstalker. "The Queen is holding a party because it's her nephew's hatching day, shall we all go together?"

Fathom looked delighted. "Really? You would let me come with you?" 

"Well, it's either you come with us, or go with a bunch of boring royal NightWing guards," pointed out Darkstalker. "So I think we should go to Clearsight's house and rob her grandmother's stash of expensive jewelry! Then go to the party! And have Whiteout come even if she's not invited!"

"Fine by me," laughed Clearsight. "Grandmother has perhaps just a few too many golden accessories; as long as we return them, we should be okay. Also, she has the eyesight of an old, blind bat, so Grandmother won't notice a thing."

One by one, the three friends glided off of the balcony and headed to Clearsight's den.


"Ooh, Clearsight, try this on!"

Darkstalker brandished an absolutely awful headdress, with fake rubies and sapphires sticking out everywhere. 

"I'll wear that when SkyWings start to breathe ice," giggled Clearsight, throwing it back at Darkstalker. "I cannot believe Grandmother ever wore that!"

Darkstalker dodged the headdress and Fathom, standing behind him, caught it and tucked it back into the closet. "I'll just borrow her bracelets," said the SeaWing. He slid four gold bracelets off of a fake claw and put them on his own.

Clearsight didn't take anything. She was wearing her moonstone accessories, given to her by Darkstalker. She felt like a gemstone herself, glowing moon-pale with happiness. Clearsight was with her two best friends, having more fun than she had had in a long time.

Her boyfriend flung open the window of the spacious Dressing Room. Darkstalker was wearing his usual snake earring, plus a somewhat ridiculous emerald necklace, and a huge grin. "Let's fly!" he crowed. Darkstalker grabbed Fathom's claw, reached his other for Clearsight's, and then took off out of the window.

They flew awkwardly across the plaza until they reached the entrance gates in front of Queen Vigilance's palace. An angular, deep purple NightWing was standing at the huge double doors. "Name?" he asked gruffly. 

"I'm Darkstalker," said Darkstalker charmingly as he landed. "This is Clearsight, and this is our SeaWing guest, Fathom."

"Might want to be careful tonight," growled the guard at Fathom. "Royal SkyWings visiting. They won't be too friendly after that little massacre accident..."

Fathom winced. 

"Wait," interjected Clearsight. "I thought it was the royal nephew's birthday. What's with the SkyWings?"

The guard sighed. "I guess the queen has been keeping it a secret... well, tonight you'll find out anyway, so I'll go ahead and tell you. Queen Vigilance's brother married Queen Carmine's sister. They hid the fact that they were royal, and both didn't know the other was related to a queen until they met each other's families."

He hesitated, then continued.

"...the dragonet's father was killed by SkyWings. And now, the Sky Dragons are here in an attempt to make peace. To be honest, I don't think it's going to happen. But yes, it technically is Vigilance's nephew's hatching day."

A vision suddenly stabbed Clearsight in the head so hard that it felt like she was being split in two. 

The Prince of two tribes is in danger.
Death circled him from the shadows.

Death stalking closer...
He brings the dusk.

"They're going to murder her nephew."

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