Sand and Sky

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Fathom brushed his talons across the smooth, white surface of his new scroll. Blank and ready to be written on. 

It had the same enchantment as Darkstalker's on it, but when Fathom instructed it to, his scroll would roll up, grow straps, and wrap itself under his wing, along with a bottle of ink and a raven feather quill.

Clearsight looked a little skeptical. She kept glancing at Darkstalker warily. Fathom wasn't sure why, but he pushed it out of his mind. Not important.

"So," said Darkstalker. He sat down next to Fathom, who was still admiring his new scroll. "Have any ideas for spells?"

Fathom hesitated. "Yeah, lots. I just don't know where to start..."

"Have I ever told you about my first spell?" asked Darkstalker.

"No, I don't think so," said Fathom, suddenly curious. "What was it?"

"A little wooden scavenger toy," said Darkstalker, his eyes drifting over Fathom's shoulder into the distance. "I enchanted it to return under Whiteout's pillow by the end of the day, no matter what happened to it."

"You goof," said Clearsight, elbowing him. "That was such a mushy heroic thing to do for your little sister, when have you ever done something that nice for your girlfriend?"

Darkstalker mock-pouted. "That's a bit unfair. Here--" He tore off a piece of his scroll, scribbled something on it, and crumpled it up in his talon. When he opened it, a large pink flower bloomed where the scrap was just sitting. Darkstalker blew on the flower and it drifted to land on Clearsight's nose.

"Show-off," she said affectionately. 

"You are so unclear!" Darkstalker complained. "One day, we'll rule all the NightWings together, and you'll confess! 'Oh, I'm so sorry I ever doubted you. I should have more faith in you, my lovely husband!'" 

"Okay, was that supposed to be me?" scoffed Clearsight.

Darkstalker pounced on her and rolled her across the library floor. She giggled and batted his snout. 

"SSSSSSSHSHHSHHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSSHSHSHSSSSSSHHSHSHSHSHSHSHSH!" screamed the librarian. He glowered at them from over a bookshelf and slowly retreated under it.

Darkstalker stuck out his tongue at the librarian's back, then grinned at Fathom. "I love that guy. Hey, let's go flying!"

Fathom shrugged. "Okay. Hey, scroll, enough for today!" His scroll immediately rolled itself up neatly. The ink bottle sealed itself shut. The raven feather quill tucked itself into his scroll. In a matter of seconds, all of his supplies were efficiently tucked under his wing.

They talked about Bloodhawk as they exited the library. The night was swiftly falling around them. NightWings were milling around the Great Diamond, setting up shop for the night. 

"SandWing musicians are visiting in a few weeks," noted Darkstalker, pointing at a sign. It featured a bad drawing of a SandWing playing the drums.

The SandShakers are coming to the Night Kingdom!
The best known musicians in the Kingdom of Sand!
Buy your tickets at stores near you!

"No," whispered Clearsight. She clutched her head. "No, no, no...NO!"

"What?" said Fathom worriedly. He patted her back. "A vision?"

Clearsight nodded and pressed her eyes shut. "I'm not really sure how they're connected, but the SandShakers coming to the night kingdom..."

Darkstalker leaned forward, his usually confident face full of anxiety. "What?"

Clearsight opened her eyes and glanced up. "SandShakers bring SkyWings. I don't know how or why, but they're angry. They might be in an alliance?" She spread her talons hopelessly. 

"But—" Fathom's face paled. "Oh. Oh no. They're angry—they're angry about Bloodhawk. That has to be it." He turned shakily towards Darkstalker. "We have to warn someone. We have to do—something! Anything!" Fathom spun to look at Clearsight. "Are the SkyWings throwing stones? Or shouting angrily? Or—what is happening? How big is the attack?" 

She blinked sorrowfully. "Nearly the whole military," said Clearsight, and all the fight drained from her voice. "They kill. As many of us as they can. They are furious."

"What are we waiting for?" Barked Darkstalker. He flared his wings. "We have to go tell the queen." Clearsight was already in the air. Fathom sputtered, still in shock, but was close behind them.

Darkstalker landed in front of the palace, already running, and sprinted past the gates. The guards either recognized him as 'The Mighty NightWing Animus' or were too slow to react. Whatever the case, they let the trio through as the raced through the halls. Finally screeching to a halt in front of the elegant doors of the throne room, Darkstalker glared at the guards standing there.

One of them hastily bowed. "Er, hello. We apologize but the queen is not currently available."

"We have a vision!" Roared Darkstalker. He gestured at Clearsight. "It's important—it's about the music festival!"

The other guard shook his head slightly. "We are truly sorry, but we are guards, not messengers. We can tell Her Majesty that you request and audience, but she is not currently available."

"Where is she then?" said Darkstalker clearly frustrated.

The first guard tipped her head. Teardrop scales gleamed at the corner of her eyes and Fathom tried to imagine a mental block from her mind reading. "How interesting for her," noted the guard. "She's at a meeting with the queen of the SkyWings.

Hello! Thanks again to all the views I've been getting and sorry for not updating in a bit. I'll try my best to update next weekend too! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you soon.

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