Chapter 32- Challenge Thee

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To say that Izuku was frightened was an understatement.

A major, astronomical, gigantic, enormous, gargantuan, fat, and any other synonym for 'big' understatement.

All For One's very aura chilled him to the bone, with malevolence so suffocating that Izuku could barely breathe. The room was lit dimly with the toxic green light from the tanks, eerily framing All For One's body. He looked exactly the same (and just as ugly) as Izuku last remembered him.

Without taking his eyes off of his father, Izuku slowly stepped over to the next tank, where Himiko was laying. He helped her stand up, still boring his eyes into All For One.

"Dad," he said again, his throat dry. There was no one else in the factory. "Not inviting all the heroes, even after my friends worked so hard to bring them here?"

All For One started circling around Izuku and Himiko. "They shouldn't get in the way of our bonding, son," he said. "But I would've invited the rest of the League, had they not betrayed me."

"You don't sound the least bit broken up about it," Izuku said.

"Of course not," All For One said, lightly stepping down onto a far Nomu tank. "It was a large oversight on my part to kill Inko. Shame. If I hadn't, you would've turned out to be so much more compliant."

Izuku flared up at the mention of his mother.

He thought of the massacre: his younger self running away, body squishing between the passersby that blocked the sidewalk. His mom called after him, and he felt fear with every shout.

Would he get caught? Would he have to go back to his dad? Tears streaked his cheeks as he rubbed the bandaged bruises on his arms.

If he went ran far enough with mom chasing after him, then maybe they'd be safe.

Izuku turned around, about to beg her to keep running with him, but a couple screams cut right through him. A rumble shook the earth beneath his feet, and he saw cracks splinter their way up a nearby building.

A shockwave burst from above, instantly knocking Izuku onto his butt. His vision whirred and his head spun, ears still processing all the gasps and screams around him. 

He tried looking up, but cried out immediately.

Izuku reached out for his mom, screaming her name, but the debris fell too quickly. His last memory of her was the sight of her dark-green eyes filling with tears.

His hand hit the ground despairingly.

It wasn't long before he learned the culprit was his dad.

Izuku shook at the memory. He wiped a tear from his eye.

He felt a strong but delicate hand grip his shoulder from behind, and Himiko went ahead of him.

Her eyes didn't shine with the same fear that Izuku's did; she smiled, taking the slim knife she had in her shoe out, unwrapping the cloth from the blade.  Good thing the heroes didn't check their shoes; Izuku didn't want Aizawa to know that he lied to him.

"Let's go, Izuku," she whispered, eyes glimmering. "Let's show the boss what we learned at U.A! Let's show the whole world."

Her bravery was stunning. So stunning, it made Izuku break into a sad smile. He took his own knife out of his shoe, unwrapping the blade and putting the cloth into his pocket. With his quirk bubbling beneath his skin, he stood up, brandishing his weapon.

'So nobody else ends up like Mom.' he reminded himself. Himiko wouldn't let herself be killed, and he had to make sure that nobody else would either.

He caught Himiko's eyes. "Yeah," he nodded. "The entire world."

All For One laughed. "Excellent, I accept your challenge son." he said. Before either Izuku or Himiko could get a move in, All For One made the entire building erupt in a shockwave of flying glass and metal shrapnel. 

The force hit Izuku so hard he flew with the rest of the building, rolling over shredded debris and soaking in the viscous liquid from the test tubes.

The initial pain was agonizing, but short-lived; the adrenaline was already kicking in. Izuku forced himself up, ignoring the pulsing pain in his muscles. Wiping the blood dripping from his wounds with one hand, Izuku steadied his dirty knife with the other.

Himiko bounced right up as well, grinning as she wiped her mouth with a sleeve. 

Rubble and grimy ooze replaced the entirety of the building. Izuku couldn't tell how far the damage extended, being night, but his gut was already filled with cold fury.

The lights that somehow managed to survive shined like spotlights on All For One. They were scattered all over the destruction site, lighting up the ground.

Izuku felt his quirk tug at his fingertips, at the hundreds of quirks All For One had in his body. The villain had a strong hold on his stolen quirks though. With Izuku's weak, untrained quirk, he'd have a hard time trying to handicap All For One. If it were easy, he would've done so a long time ago.

Izuku flipped his knife in his hands. He'd go right in then. It he could untangle a quirk, even better for him.

"Let's go, Himiko," he said. She smiled back at him, and they both shot ahead.

They were fast, but nothing could be as fast as All For One. Izuku's knife sliced thin air as the tingle of his fingertips changed directions instantly.

All For One was behind him, another shockwave bursting from the villain's fingertips. Izuku flew back once again, but as he soared, he held his fingertips towards All For One, tugging at any possible quirk crammed under his skin.

Himiko hopped from side to side, throwing thin shreds of metal at All For One. Every once in a while, she jammed at his face. She always missed but easily recovered.

Izuku ran back at All For One, his quirk struggling to grasp any of the powers in the villain. All For One was taunting them.

They both could've easily been wiped out, but Izuku suspected that All For One was entertaining himself in this battle of the feeble versus the strong.

"I can feel your quirk, Izuku," All For One said, avoiding two slices at him. Coming in from opposing sides, Izuku and Himiko nearly crashed into each other. "It's weak. It's merely wood trying to penetrate steel."

All For One flashed in front of Izuku, and the teen barely had time to react when a fist knocked the wind out of him. Izuku went rolling once again. Even so, he kept gripping onto any quirk that didn't slip through his fingers.

"And you two," All For One said. "are like two fish trying to kill a shark."

Izuku gasped for air, hacking out saliva in between. His chest throbbed with pain, and when he got up, dirt and wood chips scraped his elbows.

"Then kill us right now!" Himiko challenged. "If we're so weak!"

"The main stage has yet to be set," All For One said. "You two are both here. All we need are the last ones."

"And then what?" Izuku spat. "You'll kill us all?"

"No, no, son. Your quirk—your power is far too valuable for that," All For One said, rising up. "What I need is to spread a message to everyone: one for you, one for the heroes, and one for the entire world."

"So why don't you?" Izuku asked. "You have the power. You could do it right now."

"The Demon Lord would do no such thing," All For One said, snapping his fingers. "What is this all for, if I can't even enjoy myself first?"

Ahead of Izuku, as a new helicopter suddenly arrived, one pile of sludge formed out of thin air, and out came someone that shouldn't have been involved.


1267 words

A/N- i wrote this all in two days ahahaha

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