Small Talk

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"I'm going back to Sabre is that alright?" I asked my brother Elemental. He nods.

"Of course! I know dad just really wants me to himself." Elemental laughs a bit.

"No! I want to spend time with all of you." Galaxy grumbled a bit.

"Are you sure you just don't want Alex to yourself?" Illusion adds to the conversation.

"I'm sure Illusion, but go Time. Go back to your lover!" Galaxy teased me. I felt my face turn red.

"He is not dad!" I yelled a bit angrily.

"I'm sure everyone else here agrees with you Time." Alex sarcastically snickered at me. Everyone started laughing except me. I quickly headed out of the cave and teleported away from the town. I was close enough to where the town was close to me, but not too far off where everyone in the town could hear my lighting.

I walked through the night as I noticed the time. Almost 1:00 am. Everyone would be asleep by now. I guess everyone in the cave was too excited to sleep. I didn't feel tired until I realized the time. I yawned and soon got to the front of me and Sabre's house. No torches were lit and the house was quiet. A part of me felt relieved that Sabre did fall asleep. I walked inside quietly and closed the door behind me. It was quiet and a little bit messy. Some items were out of place from last night. I quickly picked up some spilled items off the ground. I made sure everything was in place. Now this place will look a little nicer in the morning. I walked upstairs and noticed the bathroom door was slightly opened. I glanced inside and saw a rag laying on the sink. I picked it up.

Some red blood was stained on the light brown-red.

"Sabre?" I whispered quietly. I cleaned off the blood from the small rag and hung it on the side of the sink to dry. I hurriedly made my way upstairs but kept my footsteps quiet. I could still hear my steps. I walked into Sabre's room opened the door slowly and glanced inside. Sabre was laying in bed under the covers. He was still wearing his suit. Was he simply that tired? Or...

I walked over to his side of the bed and gently lifted the blanket off of him and checked over him. It seems his arm and leg wounds have fully healed now, so the blood didn't come from that. I put my hand on the side of his face gently rubbing my thumb across his cheek. Iy felt moist like he was crying moments before. Looking closer at his gentle face I saw some blood-stained near his lips. He probably bit his tongue hard enough to bleed. It must have hurt.

I hope that's what happened at least.

I put the blanket back over Sabre and got into bed with him. I sat next to him and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled him close and kept him warm. I hope he feels better in the morning.


The pain last night from the memories was long gone by now. The morning sunlight shined over my eyes through my blindfold. I slept in. I don't usually sleep in. I got out of bed with a heavy sigh. I forgot to change my clothes. The beautiful fabric of the suit must have made it harder for me to sleep. The first thing I did after getting out of bed was change. Out of the suit and back into my comfortable hoodie and jeans. I held my amulet in my arms tightly.

"No glitching today got it? Today should be a fun day... With old friends... new friends... with a fun activity to do like... Hide and Seek! Yeah, that's it. Rainbow loved playing hide and seek with me and Lucas. I'm sure everyone else will enjoy it too.

Once I was done changing and relaxed my nerves I went downstairs. I smelled cooked eggs and bacon in the air. Time Steve must be cooking something. I started to walk down the stairs to find not who I expected. Make that a lot of people I didn't expect to see.

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