A New Day

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(Three months later) 

I was driving through the streets of LA on my dirt bike towards my favorite cafe in town with my camera bag two months ago I decided to do photography since It felt relaxing to take cityscape or landscape pictures but I needed to refuel so I had to go this cafe every now and then

We see cole arrive at the cafe as he walks in he's greeted by the worker behind the counter

Cole: Hey Jackson

Jackson: Oh hey kid the usual?

Cole: Ya here

Cole then hands him the money for his muffin and orange juice

Jackson: You know it wouldn't hurt to try coffee

Cole: In your dreams

Cole then sits down at a table and takes his computer out of his bag and opens it and starts to play his current favorite song

He then opens google and looks up some news articles as two of them catches his attention one of them being a meteorite that recentley crashed into the city as cole remembers hearing about that when he was on vacation and the other one mentioning a criminal orginaztion known as the bad guys cole smirks

Cole's thoughts: Wow wonder how long it took to come up with such a complicated name

Then cole doesnt notice a snake and a wolf walk into the shop as everyone screams and huddles into a corner but cole has his music loud enough and has attention is too caught in the news aarticle too notice before the wolf and snake sit down at a nearby booth 

Wolf: So you excited for your birthday

Snake: Stop

Wolf: I'll stop if you just explain it to me, because I don't...

Snake: Would you just drop it

Wolf: All right, all right, fine, fine, fine, fine consider it dropped It's dropped It's on the ground

Snake: Good

Wolf: But I mean come on everyone loves birthdays

Snake: (Groans)

Wolf: You got decorations you got balloons you got parties and cake

Snake: Look, I don't need presents, I don't want decorations, and I'm-I'm not a cake guy

Wolf: Seriously though you don't like cake? Name one food better than cake

Snake: Guinea pig!

Wolf: Oh, again with the guinea pig (chuckling) I bet if I blindfolded you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a skunk and a guinea pig

Snake: Wrong snakes have impeccable taste buds I can taste air

Wolf: Air?

Snake: Yep air

Then snake slurps some air

Snake: Mm nice

Wolf: I don't know. They're a little, uh... a little cute for my taste

Snake: That's what makes them so delicious you're not just eating food you're eating pure goodness It's not about the pig It's about what it symbolizes on a deeper level

Wolf: So you can taste air?

Snake: (Groans)

Wolf: What else you got?

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