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We see the crew driving to marmalades helicopter and when they arrive wolf starts honking the horn which catches snakes and marmalade's attention

Wolf: Snake! Snake!

Snake: Wolf?

Wolf: Snake come back!

Shark: We need you baby

Webs: And you need us!

Marmalade: Oh there you again making it personal I'LL GIVE YOU ONE LAST CHANCE TO GIVE ME THE BOY OR THE METEORITE 

Piranha: Oh yeah or what whiskers

Then marmalade snatches the helmet off snakes head and puts it on

Marmalade: This

Then the crew feels the ground shaking as they turn their heads around to see an army of hypnotized guinea pigs coming straight at them

Cole: We've got adorable company step on it!

They speed away as the guinea pigs go under them and wolf is doging waves of them as they try to crash on them

Webs: When I woke up this is not how I saw the day going!

Snake feels worried for the crew 

Snake: Maybe you should dial it down beside you'll never get him he's a great driver

Marmalade: You're right I should use his biggest weakness

Snake: Yea right wait...

Then marmalade kicks snake off the helicopter but thankfully he grabs the landing skit with his teeth

Wolf: Woah Woah wait ok you win you can have the meteorite

Marmalade: Good boy 

Then marmalade clears the guinea pigs under them and a crane grabs the meteorite

Wolf: Take the wheel

Cole then takes the wheel as wolf climbs to where the meteorite is and holds the chain

Wolf: Pull him up first or say goodbye to the rock

Wolf then pulls out the lipstick

Marmalade: Oh come on now

Wolf then turns the lipstick as it reveals to be a blowtorch and he points at the chain

Wolf: Do it or you'll lose the rock

Marmalade: If you insist cuddles!

Then cuddles made the helicopter go very high in the air as they were above the crater where the meteor hit

Marmalade: You want him he's yours

Marmalade then kicks him off as he starts to fall

Wolf: SNAKE!

Wolf then gets back in the driver seat as he frantically drives through the guinea pigs to find a way to save snake but then he gets an idea as he sees the other side of the highway 

Wolf: Guys I'm gonna do something crazy 

Piranha: Your speaking my language chico

They take the jump as cole closes his eyes and holds on

Piranha: We're gonna make it! 

But they don't as everyone floats out of the car as they start falling and wolf grabs coles hand as they float toward snake

Snake: You came back 

Wolf: Snake I should have been honest with you I was afraid that if you knew I-I wanted to be good that you'd...

Bad Guys Simple Male Oc FicWhere stories live. Discover now