Chapter 10: If The Suit Fits

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Darling removed her jewel-encrusted belt, then slipped out of her blue dress. Luckily, she wore a pair of metallic tights and a silver camisole underneath. She removed her ruffled heeled shoes, her necklace, and her tiara.

You just kept your back turned the entire time, trying your hardest not to sneak a peek.

Then she grabbed the chain mail tunic and slipped it over her head. It fell to her knees and hung loosely around her middle, but it was secure enough. She slipped her feet into the sollerets. Thankfully, Dexter’s feet weren’t much larger than hers. This just might work!

Darling: Okay, come help me.

Y/N: Are you decent?

Darling: Just shit up and help.

On went the rest of the plate armor. The shoulder pieces, breastplate, backplate, and thigh guards known as cuisses. The helmet was the most important part. A knight in dented armor wouldn’t draw too much attention in town, but a princess in dented armor would. She braided her hair and tucked it into the helmet. It fit quite nicely.

Y/N: Okay, there. Now, just try to walk around. Get used to it.

She circled the shop’s interior, beginning with slow, steady steps, then increasing her pace. The suit wasn’t as heavy as she’d expected. She was amazed at how agile she felt, and how easily she could bend and jump. If Dexter got his new helmet, he’d have no problem riding a horse. She was sure of it. You found a pen and wrote on the back of Betty’s note.

Dear Betty,

Need armor for practice. Wish you well. Shoot me a hex when you get back.

-Dexter Charming

It kinda looked like something he would write, right?

You included Dexter’s phone number and set the note on the bench. Then you opened Darling's Ever After High book bag, pushed her MirrorPad aside, and neatly packed her shoes, dress, necklace, and tiara. Realizing that her blue manicure might draw attention, she grabbed the gauntlets, slipped her hands inside. You, bag in hand, strode from the blacksmith’s shop with Darling following.

It was quiet in the alley. Darling stood beneath the smithy’s sign.

Darling: Am I really doing this?

She glanced down at her legs.

Y/N: You're completely covered. No one will know it’s you. And lots of other students carry this same book bag. Just don't talk and you'll be fine.

She lowered the helmet’s visor. Then, after a deep breath, she walked up the lane and turned onto Book End’s Main Street.

The visor offered a strange, rectangular view of the world. But it was enough for her to walk safely and not bump into things. Plus you were there to guide her. An odd sensation washed over her. Despite the fact that she was carrying extra weight, she felt lighter. No one ran after her with flowers or chocolates. No one fell to his knees to propose marriage. Her face was hidden, and no one knew who she was. No one could tell she was the Charming princess.

Except for you. But, that didn't count.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Darling walked down the street in broad daylight and didn’t cause a single ounce of chaos. A few people glanced her way, but nothing more. She usually hurried past the stores, trying to get out of the spotlight, but now she could actually take her time. She could even window-shop! What joy!

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