Chapter 19: All's Well That Ends Well

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Following the tournament, there was a whole lot of backslapping, hand-shaking, and hugging. Daring signed autographs and posed for selfies with the girls from his fan club. As soon as Dexter’s glasses were back on his face, he posed for selfies with his friends from the Tech Club.

When Raven walked past, he waved. She waved back. The horses returned to the stables to be watered and fed. Darling kissed Sir Gallopad’s muzzle and promised him that they’d ride very soon.

King Charming: Just as it should be.

King Charming held Daring’s trophy above his head.

King Charming: I never had a doubt about the outcome. Championship comes naturally to Daring. It always has.

Queem Charming: Don’t forget about Dexter. He came in second place.

The king lowered the trophy and turned to Dexter.

King Charming: Yes, indeed. I used to worry about all that time you spent reading and gaming on the Mirror Network, son, but you did a fine job today. I’m very proud.

Dexter: Thanks, Dad.

Darling watched the goings-on from the sidelines with you. You had even changed back to your udual attire. Since the tournament’s conclusion, she’d had to fend off three marriage proposals, now with a solid excuse of already being taken.

Luckily, the Charming cousins had come to her rescue, and had carried the starstruck boys off the field. Though, to be fair, you probably could've chased them off anyway. The crowd was clearing. The other princesses were walking back to campus to get ready for the evening feast. But Darling wanted to talk to Dexter, to make sure he was okay.

Betty: Hey there.

Betty Bunyan strode up to you. She was dressed in jeans and a leather motorcycle jacket with painted flames that matched her flame tattoos. Her black braids were tied back in a red bandanna, and the diamond in her nostril glimmered.

Betty: I got back last night and made this.

She handed Darling a new helmet.

Betty: It should fit right over Dexter’s glasses. Where is he?

Darling pointed to the podium, where Professor Knight was handing small ribbons to the squires, including Dexter.

Betty: Oh, I guess I’m too late.

Y/N: You don't say.

Betty: Sorry about that.

Darling: It’s okay. It all worked out. In fact, it was one of the best weeks of my life. I mean, of Dexter’s life. He was the one wearing his helmet. And doing all the jousting. Of course.

Betty raised her eyebrows. It looked as if she was about to ask a question, so you hurriedly changed the subject.

Y/N: How’s your dad, by the way?

Betty: He’s back home, but that bunion was the size of a toad. It’s going to be a while before he’s back on his feet.

She took a coupon from her pocket.

Betty: Say, I feel bad that I couldn’t get to Dexter’s armor in time for the tournament. Would you let him know that he can bring it in for a complimentary buff and shine? And I’ll give him half off on dent and ding removal.

Darling: Sure. Thanks.

As Betty walked away, Queen Charming approached.

Queen Charming: Hello, Darling.

She placed a gentle kiss on her daughter’s cheek. She then looked at you and smiled sweetly.

Queen Charming: And hello to you, future son-in-law.

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