Getting There

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It took a few weeks for the girls to save up for the mission. When it was time to go to the airport they said their goodbyes possibly forever if they got caught. Ikkin and Max did the hunger games sign.

Nerual, Ilene, and Grace new that whatever happened during this mission would change everything. They didn't think that they would get caught though. They were way to experienced to get caught.

The plane ride was pretty boring. They had first class tickets though, so it was better than it would've been without first class. Nerual liked the pudding that they gave on the plane.

Ilene was just plain plane sick. Grace spent most of the time listening to music. When they landed Ilene could barely walk straight. "Wh- where's the closest bathroom?" Ilene asked looking green.

"Over there," said Nerual pointing to a port a potty.

After that, they were off to the White House. Grace bought tickets to tour the house the next day at three. "Where's the hotel we're staying at?" Asked Nerual.

"It's over yonder. Just kidding, we have to cross the street and we'll get there." Ilene answered.

The hotel was old and it looked as though one tiny movement would break it. The only reason they rented in this hotel is because it was cheap. There room was on the third floor number 303. "At least it has those little bathroom soaps," Grace said trying to sound happy.

"I call this bed," Ilene said pointing to the bed that looked the least broken.

There were only two beds so Nerual and Grace had to fight for the second one. Grace won. "Fine," Nerual said looking anything but fine.

It was around eleven at night when Ilene told everyone that they should try to get sleep instead of pillow fighting. Grace and Nerual tried to complain that hitting people with pillows was fun, but Ilene ignored them and went to bed. Not long after the others also went to bed.

The only problem was that Ilene kept snoring so she didn't let anyone sleep.
The next morning Grace and Nerual looked tired. "Ilene next time you snore that loudly we're kicking you out," Grace ecclaimed.

"Yeah, the neighbors will probably be complaining later," Nerual stated.

"I'm sorry you guys didn't snore loud enough to cover up my snores," Ilene said sarcastically.

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