My Last Dance

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For encouraging me on chat to upload this story - So thanks :D x

- Before you read -

I've had a lot of comments on the way I have begun this story, and I just want to clear a few things up. I know that generally in stories, begining by saying things like "My name is . . ." and going on to basically write the facts is a really bad idea. But in this particular story, I have done this for a reason. Some people have picked up on that, and others haven't yet, but it should become more obvious as the story goes on. Thank you so much for being honest with me though, and I hope this clears a few things up. If not message me and I'll be happy to explain. You guys are awesome, and without you I wouldn't have carried on writing this story. Thank you for everything, and enjoy the story :D x

My Last Dance

My name is Callie. I’m sixteen years old. I grew up in England; In a small, peaceful town by the countryside. I still live there today; with my four year old sister, Fleur, my mum, and her boyfriend Mark. Mark is Fleur’s dad. My dad died when I was my sister’s age. I don’t really remember him very much.

We live in a small house, down by a river. The river is my favourite place in the whole world – It’s the place I go to think. It’s the only place I can go to think (not including the shower), after everything that’s happened.

But the most important thing anyone would need to know about me is that i’m a dancer. I’ve been dancing since I was only two years old – It’s all I’ve ever known. I go to dance rehearsals every week. I have a dance partner. His name is Chase, and he happens to be my boyfriend too. In every dance class, there’s always one pair; whenever the class dance in partners, these too will always dance together. These are the two that everyone looks up to. These two are us. Chase means the world to me, and me to him – that’s the only explanation for why he’s stayed with me through everything that’s happened these past few months.

My best friend is in the same class. Like me, dancing is her life too. We were the kind of girls who would spend hours dreaming of the perfect dance, like prom. And also our first dance, on our wedding nights. We would dream of the perfect dance, to the perfect song, with the perfect person. The perfect moment.

But lately, I can’t help wondering what my last dance will be. The last song I’ll ever dance to. I wonder if I’ll be dancing on my own, or with someone else, like Chase. I can’t help wondering where, and when . . . I sound crazy, right? I mean, I’m only sixteen; I have time, don’t I?

But I suppose I haven’t been completely honest. Dancing was the most important thing anyone needed to know about me. It was my life. Now . . . It’s completely different. And I don’t have a choice. I just have to accept that. It’s changed my life, and my family’s lives. It’s changed the way people see me, and they way I see them. So much so that I should probably re-introduce myself, from the beginning this time. So here goes . . .

My name is Callie. I’m a sixteen years old. . .

And I have Cancer.


Ok, this is my first attempt at a story on wattpad. I'm not sure of I am going to carry on with it - it depends on how many votes, ect this gets. Let me know what you think of it. I decided to write this story about cancer, cause i've heard so much about it lately, and i have also signed up for 'Race for Life' for a couple of weeks time - . The song is Cancer, by My Chemical Romance (The best band on the planet), listen to it - it's a great song. I know this story sounds like it's going to be predictable, but trust me, there are a loads of twists planned. So yeah, Vote, comment, and fan. Thank you for reading :D x


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