cheater cheater

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i get in my car with mascara running down my cheeks
sage opens my door
"y/n i-"
"no no sage its fine" i say wiping my tears
i start to drive off seeing sage standing there in the parking lot
i drive home still trying to process what just happened
i lock myself in my room and just watch tv in my room
i hear someone knocking on the door
i go to open it and its jamie
"y/n lemme explain"
i shut the door right in his face
he continues knocking on the door for 5 more minutes until he gives up
i get calls and texts all night
i try so hard not to respond
it always
y/n im sorry
y/n please respond
i was drunk
please dont leave me

but i dont care
he fucked up not me

i dont see him around for the next few days
he stoped texting me yesterday and i assume he gave up
sage keeps texting me too
"y/n" she says at my bed room door
"yes sage?" i say finally opening my door
"how are you feeling"
"im better now i just really liked him you know, i mean a month and a half of talking has you feeling like it's forever, i think im in hell, come in" i say opening my door more
she steps in and sits on my bed
"y/n im so sorry but i think theres something you need to see"
"what is it" i say wondering
she puts out her phone and shows me the news
"y/n jamie got into a car crash and hes in the hospital, the police say it was found in our neighborhood so i think he was driving here and then he got into a crash" she says
"omg is he okay" i say worried
"i think but i was wondering if its not too soon... would you wanna go to the hospital to see him with me"
"um yeah but give me a minute to think on what im gonna say"
she gets up and goes back to her room
i dont know whether im going to confort him or yell at him
im just gonna do both and hope he explains himself

we head out to the car and drive to the hospital

jamie bower x y/n (001, peter ballard, henry creel, jace wayland)Where stories live. Discover now