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Girl Meets Flaws

"Graduation and awards night is coming up! I am very proud of this class." Mr. Matthews announced to his classroom.

All of his students perked up, the possibility of an award and praise from their teacher sounded like the beginning of a good day to them. Well...most of them.

"Several of you will be recognized for your achievements throughout the year." Matthews beamed with pride.

A slam on the desk and the chaos of the day began curtesy of Maya.
"Awards are a scam! A girl like me, Matthews, never had a chance! Never had a chance!" She fought back with her tough persona.

Matthews sighed and turned to his desk, cuing the moment his daughter would join in, persuaded by one Maya Hart death glare.

"Alright, I'll do it, but it's ridiculous." Riley sighed, standing up. "It's a scam Matthews! She never had a chance!"

Matthews picked up his tablet and walked up to the two girls, smiling. "Maya, will be receiving the Griff Hawkens, 'totally cool award'."

The class applauded her as she sat down, full RBF activated. Her friends and Matthews knew she was happy on the inside though. Riley, however, couldn't fathom the calm nature Maya was projecting.
"Maya! You just found out you won the 'totally cool award' yet you just sit there?!"

Riley received a long stare from her friend.
"Oh, you're being cool."
The stare didn't leave.
"Why won't you rub off on me?"

A smile. The power of a best friend.
"And our two finalist for our scholar athlete award is Lucas Friar, and Billy Ross." Matthews smiled.

The class applauded for the boys as well, Maya turned, her smile growing for one of the few people in her life that could earn one from her. Lucas, of course, she didn't necessarily care about Billy.

"I hope you're ready for some competition dude." Billy spoke to Lucas who turned to acknowledge him.
"Oh, well, you know how I hate competition."

The boys laughed, then stared each other down, then repeated the encounter.
"Hey golden boys, you wanna hop down from your cloud of awesomeness? You're making us normals feel bad." Maya spoke up, her monotone stare paired with a hint of judgment.

Billy tilted his head at her. "Yeah, right after our handshake of awesomeness."

Both boys stood up and carried out, what in Mr. Matthews and Maya's opinion, was a ridiculous and long handshake.
Maya rolled her eyes. "Everyday?"

Lucas smiled at her. Riley spoke up and everyone turned to her.
"Girls should have their own handshake of awesomeness!"
"What would it be?" Maya wondered aloud sarcastically.

Both girls crossed their legs and flipped their hair dramatically and smiled. "Stop it."

Lucas had a smile of endearment for the girls and turned to face Billy who shook his head in annoyance.
The girl behind them shook her head slightly. That was a lot to happen in thirty-five seconds. She also couldn't figure out for the life of her where Billy came from.

"Farkle, you are being awarded the Joseph. T.R.F confidence award. Congratulations! Farkle?" Mr. Matthews asked, suddenly noticing that his student...had turned into a microphone. A microphone that had a message to relay.

"Farkle can't come to his desk right now. If you have a question for Farkle, say one. A comment, say two, Billing questions, three."
Matthews approached the desk as everyone turned in confusion.
"One, where are-"
"You have selected, three."
"No, I said one!"
"Sorry, we are experiencing unusually high call volume, your call will be answered in approximately-" Farkle's voice cut out.
"Thirty-five." A new voice filled in.
"Minutes." the voice went back to Farkle.
"Representative!" Matthews begged- traumatic flashbacks of days lost to the cruelty of a hold button ensuing - and the hold music played.

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