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Farkle climbed through the bay window, a frown on his face.

"What's the matter darlin'?" Maya asked him with a southern accent.
"There's another genius in my honors chem. class. The other genius is making me feel bad!" He complained.

Zay and Maya titled their heads with a frown in sympathy for their friend, while Lucas stood up and clapped him on the back, leading him to Riley's bed to sit with his kind.
"Then you're on this side of the room, loser." He welcomed him with disappointment and wide-open arms.

Riley scooched over for the two boys who sat with her in disappointment.
"You know what the worst thing in life is? The worst thing is life is that when someone you know is better than you in every way-"
"Rubs it in your face?" Zay offered.
"No." Farkle shook his head.
"Can't hit a baseball to save his life?" Lucas sulked.
"Me time!" Farkle shouted.
"I was talking about you..." Lucas nodded.

Farkle sighed. "The worst thing is life is that when someone you know is better than you in every way but loves you anyway."

"Honey buckets!"

Maya rolled her eyes as Zay tried not to laugh.

"Smakle is the genius in your chemistry class?" she asked.
"Smakle's the genius everywhere." Fakle sighed.

Zay walked over to the genius and lead her to the winners corner by the shoulder. "Well, you with us now." he smiled.
"Don't hit on me in front of Lucas." Smakle shrugged him off.
"Smackle!" Lucas whined.
"Don't hit on me in front of Farkle!" Smakle snapped.
"Smackle!" Farkle whined.
"You, me, Zay, and Lucas, we're better than a triangle, we're a quadrilateral!" Smakle smiled.
Maya scrunched her face, "What's a that?" she asked.
"It means square...over here, we say square." Farkle deflated, answering her.
"Oh beloved, you know how smart you are, don't feel threatened!" Smakle tried to reassure him.
"I don't feel threatened my former arch-nemesis and current arch-lovesis, I just- I just feel confused, I've never been on this side of the room before."
"Yeah, I don't feel thrilled about it either." Lucas sighed, he turned to Riley who had been quiet for a while. "How do you feel?"

Riley smiled. "Well, I am happy for you guy!"
"Of course, you are, your Riley! You've always been Riley."


Farkle slipped into Riley's window, and they stared at each other for a moment.
"What are you gonna do about Smakle?" Riely asked him.

He sighed and jumped to the floor to sit with his friend. "I got a real problem here...I could raise my level. But I know if I do it, it'll only make her raise her level too."
"But won't you both be better off for it?"
"Yeah. What good is life unless it throws a Smakle in your face?"


"You guys are early for class." Matthews noted as most of his favorite students walked into his room.
"I want an A from you to Matthews, I'm collecting a whole set!" Maya smiled, taking out her materials for class.
Matthews smiled. "Good for you Maya."
She gave a wave of dismissal. "Ah, quit your blubbering, this will go away."

Zay opened his mouth to make a comment when Farkle ran in, looking frantic.

"Farkle? What's wrong?" Lucas asked, sitting up straighter.
Farkle was sweating, his voice shook. "Smakle. It's Smakle."

Maya, Lucas, and Zay stood with Matthews as Riley titled her head.
"What about Smakle?" Maya asked roughly.
"She tried to raise her level too fast. She's unconscious, I need help." Farkle rambled quickly, turning and running out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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