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How Zay managed to slip out of the car completely dry, he hadn't a clue.

Instead of standing in the midst of...whatever that was, he ran over to Maya and sat on the bucket next to her as she onlooked the chaos with glee.

"Wow, your friend is really something." Zay quirked his eyebrows.

Maya sighed and gave a resigned smile,"She alota work."

Zay turned to her.
"What happens to her when you're home sick?" He asked.
"Oh, I can never get sick."

Zay smiled at the joke, Maya turned to look at him.

"So, between you and me, what'd Ranger Rick really do? Did he tip over a cow? Put an 11 gallon in a 10 gallon hat?"

Zay shrugged, shaking his head at himself.
"I think I already said too much, and he'll tell you what he wants to tell you."

"You were really best friends?" Maya doubted him.

Zay smiled whistfully, "Oh, there were never better friends."

"Oh, I think there were. And if Riley were coming from Texas, at least she'd tell me she was coming!" Maya argued.

"Like I said, something happened. I-"

Zay's face scrunched as he pointed to the pairs best friends in concern.

"You're friends a fountain." He spoke simply.

Maya followed Zay's finger and smirked. As Riley had indeed turned into a fountain at her own fault.

Zay and Maya sat in silence as chaos ensued and ended with Farkle's rear end being used to dry the car.

Zay grimmanced as he noticed how close they were, and just how happy Lucas was. He turned to Maya.

"Y'all are a tight little group, aren't you?"

Maya smiled, her joy shining throughout her face.
"Yeah, we are." She beamed, running over to her friends.

"...yeah..." Zay voiced allowed.

He snuck over to the door as Maya barked orders at her friends and smirked.

"Amatures." She smiled, spraying them down.

Zay turned and gave a sad smile as he left the class behind, on a quest to find someone he could be friends with.

Lucas had changed so much. What if he wasn't interested in being friends with him anymore?

Lucas just seemes so happy, and he definitely didn't seem happy when I showed up. Zay thought to himself.

Zay wandered the halls for the remainder of lunch, and hid away in the bathroom during the 5 mintue passing period.

Once the halls were cleared he wandered around and noticed an older classman walking around without a pass. Zay watched him for a moment and when he realized the kid was sneaking out back, he followed, thinking he found someone to roll with.

After all, who didn't trust a leather jacket?


The morning bell rung as Lucas took his seat, noticing Zay wasn't in class. Lucas dismissed any worry with the notion that Zay was probably skipping class.

Mr. Matthews hadn't arrived to class yet when Farkle noticed Zay's empty desk.

"Where's you're friend Lucas?" He asked.

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