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***In this part and later parts James and Zach will be talking about sexul thing and doing sexual thing.***

James and Zach head down and start eating breakfast.
James "so what is or are we/are relationship?"
Zach "well I thought that Is what we were going to talk about"
James "yah. Ok so well can we agree we are boyfriends"
Zach "yes"
James "ok great. So then are... well I am your daddy then too?"
Zach "yes if that is fine with you"
James "yes but I to be honest some time I want to try and be little but mainly be your daddy. And we can maybe try me being little and maybe u being my daddy after a little while of us being boyfriends and me being your daddy"
Zach "yes that will work. And really I also want to try being a daddy especially yours hehe but yes after awhile like you said"
James "ok great. So what are your little ages then"
Zach "well I have a few like i said. So one is me being about 0 to 6 months old I don't really go into that one very often but when I do I am really into my little space and I don't really talk beside from the occasional like Dada or ble. Stuff like that and then I do also poop my diapers and like also wet them and don't notice one bit. If I have to go I go. I also just crawl around and play with some toys mainly tethers and rockers. I also use pacifiers and bottles but i ahev to get them ready before because i cant really get them my self. And really I don't get out of that one unless I fall asleep for the night or take a nap.
James " ok that's cool and I don't know how I feel about changing a mess diaper because like I said yesterday I haven't changed diapers in a few years let alone mess one but I think I will be fine. And I kinda hope sometime when we are daddy littleing I hope you go into that one so I can see what you would be like and also how your handle a diaper change hehe. I will also be able to get you your bottle."
Zach " yah that would be interesting. So then my second one would be from 6 months to about a year and a half but more closer to a year and year and half more then six months. I go into that one every once in awhile and during that time I mainly just pee in my diapers with out noticing if I have to poop I can kinda tell my self to hold it but sometime I don't but I also just keep going if I do. I walk and crawl but mainly crawl and I play with more toys from blocks to like little toys I guess. Like playing with stuffed animals or like trucks and stuff but also use teethers and stuff to. Plus pacifiers and bottles. I also do a little talking during it but can't really use big words. But that is about it for that one"
James "that is all fine to be honest I just want to see you in all your little modes so I know how to take care of your in all of them"
Zach " yah that would be nice. So my third one is from the ages of one and half to about 3. This is my toddler age. I mainly just pee but still with out noticing it again. But sometimes agin I might poop but not as big of chance as the first two. I like to play with all toys and talk more. I use pacifiers bottle and sippy cups. I love snuggles well i do with all ages and with all ages I Also love to wear my plastic pants and onesie. Also I forgot to mention that with my first two little space ages I might leak because I don't really notice this one I sometimes notice. But If I have your I don't need to worry. I walk and sometimes crawl just depends. I love to watch cartoons, well again with all ages love to watch cartoons and movies. And there is more but I think you will find out when u are being my daddy"
James " that all sounds great and I think I will found out everything eventually because there could be somethings you can't rember"
Zach " yes exactly. My 4th age is from 3 to 5. It is kinds like my bigger toddler age and I usally just wet use a paci and sippy cup. Mainly walk and play with bigger toys and watch movie and also agin snuggle hehe"
James "yah I get that and don't worry there will be lots of snuggles"
Zach " ok good and then my last age is from 5 to 9 I basically just wear and use my diaper when I want to try not to poop unless I want and just hangout in a diaper but at a younger head space I guess. Just like to play some video games watch movies. Maybe build Legos or play with nerf guns and stuff."
James "alright cool so I am guessing that is all your little ages then"
Zach "yah that's all of them, and with all them I  can and can't control going in and out of them it just depends how hard I try. So what else would you like to talk about?"
James " alright I understand and I can probably help with that. Well I guess what about sexual things and punishments"
Zach "oh ya we should  probably talk about that. Well  I will just say that I do some sexual things when I am little but that is only when I am a bigger toddler and young boy."
James " alright I get, but also before we get to that suff are u a bottom then? And what sexual stuff do you do?"
Zach "yes I am hehe and well I usually jack off in my diapers but also I am guessing you seen my dildos. Plugs and cages. I also use them too.
James "yah I was kinda getting at those so for sex wise would we ever do anything well you were little because I don't know how I would feel about that. Because on one hand I think I would like that and on the other I would. I would because like I would be in more control but also I don't want to violat you"
Zach "yah you make a good point. Well we could have regular sex, regular diaper sex and other kink sex, but also I think you would know when I would be fine to have little sex because well I only do the other stuff when I am in bigger ages so I am more aware and I would probably most likely ask or I guess show you if I want sex. We could also talk about the possibility of sex happening before I go into little space."
James " alright that makes me feel better and I guess u have some other kinks to. We can explore those at a latter time. Now for punishment. Would  you be fine if I gave you spakens and also put a cage on you and put a butt plug in you and also one you might not like but kinda part of the cage not letting you cum when we have sex if you have been a bad boy"
Zach "ohh yes I am fine with loose punishment and if you come up with more we can talk about them like also time outs and yes not being aloud to come is a kink I have sometimes"
James " great and ya I forgot about time outs hehe. So I guess that is the majority of what we needed to talk about. But what about school. Because I want to come out but just not ready also want to tell my parents before I tell a bunch of people because I know they don't really care if people are gay or bi. You know what I mean but also. I just want to come out so then I am not as popular because I just gets annoying. And I also don't want to out you if you are not ready."
Zach " yah I want to come out to but just not quit ready and I  ant really become to much more less popular. And I hope your parents except you because mine did. They just don't know about the other stuff. Which I don't get how they don't because I have a lot of stuff but they also don't care to much about me to be honest.
James "hey I care about you. And I hope they do to"
Zach "awh thanks buddy"
James " so at school how do you want todo things. Maybe just kinda keep it low keep like when we are alone just hold hands and maybe give eachother a kiss. But otherwise just kind of hangout more and talk more."
Zach " yah I think that will work fine we only have a few weeks left anyways so I think If we keep things low we will be fine"
James "alright one more thing would we go out on dates and dates where you are wearing maybe me to and you might be either little or wearing like little cloth but non that you will be seen as  baby. More like kinda childish or just fashion that isn't but is."
Zach "yes I would love to go on date but also go on dates were we won't be seen as dating or we can hid it easily. And yes we can go on little date but same thing as before"
James " great well I think that is all for now what would you like to go do or do you want to talk about something else"
Zach " no nothing else for now and I don't know we could go to the park."
James " ok and yah we could. I know a park were no one goes. I go there sometimes when I just want to be alone. So sometimes a lot and I have been going there for about 2 years and I have only seen like 30 people over that time so we can get you all littled up and go out with out people seeing you."
Zach "great that will work"

This was a lot longer than I thought hopefully you enjoyed it. I also have a lot of different ways I can take this story so give me some ideas and I might use them.
Also I can suck at spelling/ typing sometimes so I do go back through the chapters and try to correct them but not usally change anything.

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