3: the training corps

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3 years later

I walked through trost district aimlessly with a cloak over my ODM gear. It's been a couple days since Shiganshina fell along with wall Maria.

I kept walking until a couple of the scouts that took my brother spotted me. "Shit" I whispered as I uncovered my gear and shot myself into the air. The followed me until I ran out of gas and crashed into a roof.

A blonde man with blue eyes stood before me. "I'm Erwin Smith and I think we've met before" he said. I glared at him before the other scout picked me up and I got escorted to a prison.

Erwin sat Infront of my cell and started speaking. "We've got your friends, they're scouts. If you wanna see them you can join us, if not we'll hand you to the military police and they'll kill you". I contemplated my options before saying "alright, fine... I'll join you" I said looking at the floor.

Next thing I knew I was in the 104th cadet core with a bunch of teenagers.

The first day was just boring. It was just defense training which I was a pro at so I just watched.

That night

I sat at an empty table until a bit of commotion was unfolding at a different table. I looked up to see a cadet having a go at another one. I sighed as I got up from my seat while thinking that if Shadis saw this he'd be pissed.

I pushed through the crowd and caught the cadets hand just before he hit the other in the face. I glared at them both before kicking the one who tried to punch in the stomach and I punched the other in the chest.

"Your both idiots, y'know" I said, everyone gasped because they've never heard me speak before. I sighed and then walked off to bed, gosh I hate this already.

(Btw she stopped Eren from punching Jean)

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